Greg Hammett

When \(\alpha \ne 0\), there are two solutions to \( \alpha x^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4 \alpha c} \over 2a}.$$ Another equation: $$ \frac{2^0}{1+e^{-i \pi}} = \int_0^\infty dx / (1+x) = \infty $$

I am a Principal Research Physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, a Lecturer With Rank of Professor in the Graduate Program in Plasma Physics at Princeton University, and part of the Associated Faculty of the Program in Appplied and Computational Mathematics. My main research interests are in theoretical and computational plasma physics, studying turbulence in magnetic fusion plasmas and how it might be reduced to improve fusion energy power plant designs. I have also worked on some plasma astrophysics problems, including kinetic effects and microinstabilities in MRI turbulence in low collisionality accretion flows, such as occur around some black holes. I have worked on gyro-Landau-fluid closure approximations and on full gyrokinetic approaches, and have a general interest in numerical algorithms. Courses I have taught (or will soon) include General Plasma Physics I and parts of Part II, Irreversible Processes in Plasmas, and Turbulence and Nonlinear Processes in Fluids and Plasmas, and I co-led a seminar with Prof. Jim Stone on plasma astrophysics.

My main work web page is at the Princeton Plasma Physics Lab.

My page on the Princeton wiki.

The FIRE place, (formerly is a great resource for the latest news on fusion research, and also has an extensive library of historical documents in the fields, including reactor concept reports, major review reports, and more.

Some personal and fun links:

Kate's abstract art.
Kate's Lewis & Greening, handcrafted incidental furniture.

Stress test.
A fun little computer card trick.
Some favorite quotes.

Greg Hammett (