event schedule | registration | location | directions and parking

Thanks to all WISE participants, we had a great conference!
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contact us if you have questions.

Lunch Discussion Summary


Women in Science and Engineering Conference

Princeton University

March 14, 2008

Friend Center Convocation Room



































GWISE invites you to the Women in Science and Engineering Conference at Princeton University. The purpose of WISE is to create a forum where women in science and engineering can come together to discuss issues that they face in their respective fields, both as an underrepresented minority and as individuals.

We hope to provide information about the pros and cons of working in industry vs. academia as well as the pros and cons of choosing to go to graduate school or directly into industry. We will also discuss about how to manage the work-life balance, both in industry and academia as well as how one goes about making her career choices.


Event Schedule

10:00 - 10:30

Registration and Breakfast

10:30 - 10:45

Overview of Agenda and Motivation

10:45 - 11:15

Keynote: Prof. Claire Gmachl

11:15 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:00

Skill Building Session I

12:00 - 12:30

Skill Building Session II

12:30 - 1:30


1:30 - 2:00

Group Discussion

2:00 - 2:45

Panel on Career Choices



2:45 - 3:00

Coffee Break

3:00 - 3:45

Panel on Work and Life Balance






Event Location

The event will take place in the Friend Center Convocation Room.


Skill Building Sessions

The skill building sessions will be in the form of small discussion groups. We have selected four topics:

1 . Negotiation skills – moderated by Kathleen Mannheimer
Kathleen Mannheimer is an Associate Director at Career Services at Princeton University.

2 . Networking skills – moderated by Dean Karen Jackson-Weaver
Karen Jackson-Weaver is an Associate Dean of Academic Affairs at Princeton University.

3. Management skills – moderated by Dr. Stefanie Chiras
Stefanie Chiras is Manager of Scalable Server Network & Memory Systems at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center.

4. Grant writing – moderated by Prof. Li-Shiuan Peh
Prof. Peh is an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University.

There will be two thirty minute sessions for discussion so that participants can choose to explore two of the above topics.


Work and Life Balance Panelists

moderated by Prof. Li-Shiuan Peh, Princeton University


Dr. Dilma Da Silva, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Prof. Maria Garlock, Princeton University

Dr. Jean Tom, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company

Dr. Anna Topol, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Prof. Marilyn Tremaine, CAIP, Rutgers University

Dr. Brooke Van Horn, Princeton University


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Career Choices Panelists

moderated by Dr. Rui Zhang-Shen, Princeton University


Ardan Arac, Google

Dr. Beth Junker, Merck & Co Inc.

Dr. Valentina Salapura, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center

Dr. Jana Sukkarieh, ETS

Laura Takacs, Goldman Sachs

Prof. Kathryn Uhrich, Rutgers University


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