Publication List

232. Electronic Properties of Metal-Molecule-Metal Systems at Zero Bias: A Periodic Density Functional Study. S. Piccinin, A. Selloni, S. Scandolo, R. Car and G. Scoles (submitted to J. Chem. Phys.)

231. Atomic Diffraction Study of the Interaction of He Atoms with the Surface of an Organic Single Crystal: The (001) Cleavage Planes of Guanidium Methanesulfonate. G. Bracco, M.D. Ward and G. Scoles (submitted to J. Chem. Phys.)

230. Hyperthermal Molecular Beam Deposition of Highly Ordered Organic Thin Films. L. Casalis, M.F. Danisman, B. Nickel, G. Bracco, T. Tocalli, S. Iannotta and G. Scoles (submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett.)

229. Pentacene Unltrathin Film Formation on Reduced and Oxidized Si Surfaces. R. Ruiz, B. Nickel, N. Koch, L.C. Feldman, R. Haglund, A. Kahn and G. Scoles (in press Physics Review B )

228. Nanoscale domain stability in organic monolayers on metals.  Z. Suo, Y.F. Gao, and G. Scoles.  (Submitted to Langmuir).

227. Overlayers of Long-Chain Organic Molecules Physisorbed on the Surface of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Alkylthiols on Au(111). P.V. Schwartz, D.J. Lavrich and G. Scoles Langmuir (2003)

226. Using Nanografting to Achieve Directed Assembly of de novo Designed Metalloproteins on Gold. M. Case, G. McLendon, Y. Hu, T.K. Vanderlick and G. Scoles. Nano Letters 3 (4) 425-429 (2003)

225. Oxygen Adsorption of Graphite and Nanotubes. P. Giannozzi, R. Car and G. Scoles J. Chem. Phys. 118 (3) 1003-1006 (2003)

224. Intramolecular vibrational relaxation in aromatic molecules II:  an experimental and computational study of pyrrole and triazine near the IVR hreshold. A. Callegari, R. Pearman, S. Choi, P. Engels, H. Srivastava, M. Gruebele, K. K. Lehmann and G. Scoles.  (Submitted to  J. Chem. Phys.)

223. Structural Investigation of Monolayers Prepared by Deposition of (CH3S)2 on the (111) Face of Single-Crystal Gold. M. Danisman, L. Casalis, G. Bracco. and G. Scoles. J. Phys. Chem. B 106 11771-11777 (2002)

222. He diffraction study of organic single crystal surfaces:  hydrogen-bonded and methyl-terminated (001) cleavage planes of a guanidinium methanesulfonate crystal. G. Bracceo, J. Acker, M. D. Ward, and G. Scoles.  (Submitted to Langmuir).

221. Structure and electronic properties of CH3- and CF3- terminated alkanethiol monolayers on Au(111):  A scanning tunneling microscopy, surface X-ray and helium scattering study.  J. Pflaum, G. Bracco, F. Schreiber, R. Colorado, Jr., O.E. Shmakora, T.R. Lee, G. Scoles and A. Kahn.  Surface Science  498  89-104 (2002).

220. Photoinduced nonadiabatic dynamics in quartet Na3 and K3 formed using Helium nanodroplet isolation.  J. H. Reho, J. H. P. Higgins, M. Nooijen, K..K.  Lehmann, G. Scoles, and M. Gutowski.  J. Chem. Phys. 115 (22) 10265-10274 (2001).

219. Helium nanodroplet isolation ro-vibrational spectroscopy:  methods and recent results.  C. Callegari, K.K. Lehmann, R. Schmied, and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 115 (22) 10090-10110 (2001).

218. Towards extending the applicability of density functional theory to weakly bound systems.  X. Wu, M.C. Vargas, S. Nayak, V. Lotrich, and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys.115 (19) 8748-8757 (2001).

217. State Selective Vibrational (2v(3)) Activation of the Chemisorption of Methane on Pt(111).  J. Higgins, A. Conjusteau, G. Scoles, S.L. Bernasek. J. Chem. Phys.114 (12) 5277-5283 (2001).

216. Coverage-Dependent Adsorption of CH3S and (CH3S)2 on Au(111): a Density Functional Theory Study.  Maria Cristina Vargas, Paolo Giannozzi, Annabella Selloni, and Giacinto Scoles.  J. Phys. Chem. B 105, 9509-9513 (2001).

215. Spectroscopy in, on and off a beam of superfluid helium nanodroplets.  J. Higgins, J. Reho, F. Stienkemeier, W. E. Ernst, K. K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles.  Atomic and Molecular Beams:  The State of the Art 2000, R. Campargue Ed., Springer-Verlag  (2000).

214.  Alkali-helium exciplex formation on the surface of helium nanodroplets.  II.  A time-resolved study.  J. Reho, J. Higgins, K. K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles.  J. Chem. Phys. 113, 9694 (2000).

213.  Alkali-helium exciplex formation on the surface of helium nano-Droplets.  I.  Dispersed emission spectroscopy. J. Reho, J. Higgins, C. Callegari, K. K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles.  J. Chem. Phys. 113, 9686 (2000).

212.  Intramolecular vibrational redistribution in aromatic molecules I: Eigenstate resolved CH stretch first overtone spectra of benzene. A. Callegari, U. Merker, P. Engels, H. K. Srivastava, K. K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles.  J. Chem. Phys. 113, 10583 (2000).

211. Rovibrational spectroscopy of the v=6 manifold in 12C2H2 and 13C2H2. H. K. Srivastava, A. Conjusteau, H. Mabuchi, A. Callegari, K. K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles.  J. Chem. Phys. 113, 7376 (2000).

210. A sub-Doppler resolution double resonance molecular beam infrared spectrometer operating at chemically relevant energies (~2 eV). H. K. Srivastava, A. Conjusteau, H. Mabuchi, A. Callegari, K.K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles.  Review of Scientific Instruments 71, 4032 (2000).

209. 1, 6-Hexanedithiol monolayers on Au(111):  A multitechnique structural study.  T.Y.B. Leung, M. C. Gerstenberg, D. J. Lavrich, G. Scoles, F. Schreiber and G. Poirier.  Langmuir 16, 549 (2000).

208. First overtone helium nanodroplet isolation spectroscopy of molecules bearing the acetylenic CH chromophore.  C. Callegari, A. Conjusteau, I. Reinhard, K. K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 113, 10535 (2000).

207. Microwave spectra of HCN and DCN in 4He nanodroplets:  a test of adiabatic following.  A. Conjusteau, C. Callegari, I. Reinhard, K. K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 113, 4840 (2000).

206. Structure and growth of 4-methyl-4'-mercaptobiphenyl monolayers on  Au(111):  a surface diffraction study.  T.Y.B. Leung, P. Schwartz, G. Scoles, F. Schreiber, and A. Ulman.  Surface Science, 458, 34 (2000).

205. Spectroscopy of Mg atoms solvated in helium nanodroplets.  J. Reho, U. Merker, M. R. Radcliff, K. K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles.  J. Chem. Phys. 112 , 8409 (2000).

204. Reproducing kernel technique for extracting accurate potentials from spectral data:  Potential curves of the two lowest states X1 Sg+  and a3Su+  of the sodium dimer.  T.-S. Ho, H. Rabitz, and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 112, 6218 (2000).

203. Finite size effects and rotational relaxation in superfluid helium nanodroplets: Microwave-infrared double-resonance spectroscopy of cyanoacetylene.    C. Callegari, I. Reinhard, K. K. Lehmann, G. Scoles, K. Nauta and R. E. Miller.  J. Chem. Phys. 113, 4636 (2000).

202. On the importance of exchange effects in three-body interactions: The lowest quartet state of Na3.  J. Higgins, T. Hollebeek, J. Reho, T. S. Ho, K. K. Lehmann, H. Rabitz, G. Scoles and M. Gutowski. J. Chem. Phys. 112, 5751 (2000).

201. The influence of steps on the orientation of Copper Phtalocyanine monolayers on Au(111).  I. Chizhov, G. Scoles, and A. Kahn. Langmuir 16, 4358 (2000).

200. On the nature of bonding in small Mg clusters.  J. M. Sin, S. Nayak, and G.Scoles in Cluster and Nanostructure Interfaces, P. Jena Ed., World Scientific, 2000, page 345.

199. Spectroscopy and dynamics of Al atoms solvated in superfluid heliumnanodroplets.  J. H. Reho, U. Merker, M. R. Radcliff, K. K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles.  J. Phys.Chem.A 104, 3620 (2000).

198. Collision induced desorption of hydrocarbons physisorbed on Au(111).  J. Libuda and G. Scoles.  J . Chem. Phys. 112, 1522 (2000).

197. Organic semiconducting thin film growth on an organic substrate:  3, 4, 9,10- perylenetetracarboxylicdianhydride (PTCDA) on a monolayer of decanethiol self-assembled on Au(111).  M. C. Gerstenberg, F. Schreiber, T. Y. B. Leung, G. Bracco, S. R. Forrest, and G. Scoles. Phys. Rev. B., 61, 7678 (2000).

196. Phase-sensitive surface x-ray scattering study of a crystalline organic-organic heterostructure.  F. Schreiber, M. C. Gerstenberg, B. Edinger, B. Toperverg, S. R. Forrest, G. Scoles and H. Dosch.  (6 SXNS proceedings)  Physica B 283, 75 (2000).

195. From Intermolecular Forces to Condensed Phase Spectroscopy:  Ro-vibrational Spectroscopy Inside Superfluid Nanodroplets.  C. Callegari, A. Conjusteau, I. Reinhard, K. K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles.  CCP6 Workshop on "Rovibrational Bound States in Polyatomic Molecules", University of Aberdeen, Scotland, April 11-14, 1999.

194. A Superfluid Hydrodynamic Model for the Enhanced Moments of Intertia of Molecules in Liquid 4He.  C. Callegari, A. Conjusteau, I. Reinhard, K. K. Lehmann, G. Scoles and F. Dalfovo.  Phys. Rev. Lett. 83, 5058 (1999).

193. Eigenstate resolved infrared and Millimeter-wave-Infrared Double Resonance Spectroscopy of Methylamine in the N-H Stretch First Overtone Region.  U. Merker, H. K. Srivastava, A. Callegari, K. K. Lehmann and G. Scoles.  Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 1, 2427 (1999).

192. Initial growth of 3, 4, 9, 10-perylenetetracarboxylic-dianhydrade (PTCDA) on Au(111):  a scanning tunneling microscopy study.  I. Chizhov, A. Kahn, and G. Scoles.  J. of Crystal Growth, 208, 449 (1999).

191. Collision induced chemical dynamics in ethanethiol adsorbed on Au(111).  J. Libuda and G. Scoles.  J. Phys. Chem. B 103, 9933 (1999).

190. Single and double resonance microwave spectroscopy in superfluid helium clusters. I. Reinhard, C. Callegari, A. Conjusteau, K. K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 5036 (1999).

189. He cluster-isolation spectroscopy: alkali dimers in the triplet manifold. J. Higgins, J. Reho, C. Callegari, W. E. Ernst, F. Stienkemeier and G. Scoles. J. Phys. Chem. A 102, 4952 (1998).

188. On the structure and evolution of the buried S/Au interface in self-assembled monolayers: X-ray standing wave results. P. Fenter, F. Schreiber, L. Berman, G. Scoles, P. Eisenberger and M. J. Bedzyk. Surface Science 412/413, 213 (1998).

187. Growth kinetics of decanethiol monolayers self-assembled on Au(111) by molecular beam deposition: an atomic beam diffraction study. P. Schwartz, F. Schreiber, P. Eisenbeger and G. Scoles. Surface Science423, 208 (1999).

186. Adsorption mechanisms, structures and growth regimes of an archetypal self-assembling system: decanethiol on Au(111). F. Schreiber, A. Eberhardt, T. Y. B. Leung, P. Schwartz, S. M. Wetterer, D. J. Lavrich, L. Berman, P. Fenter, P. Eisenberger and G. Scoles. Phys. Rev. B. 57(19), 12476 (1998).

185. Beam Depletion Spectroscopy of Alkali Atoms (Li, Na, K) Attached to Highly Quantum Clusters.  C. Callegari, J. Higgins, F. Stienkemeier and G. Scoles. J. Phys. Chem. A 102, 95 (1998).

184. Energetics and kinetics of the physisorption of hydrocarbons on Au(111).  S. Wetterer, D. Lavrich, T. L. Cummings, S. L. Bernasek and G. Scoles. J. Phys. Chem. B 102(46), 9266 (1998).

183. Physisorption and Chemisorption of alkanethiols and alkylsulfides on Au(111).  D. Lavrich, S. Wetterer, S. Bernasek and G. Scoles. J.Phys. Chem. B 102(18), 3456 (1998).

182. Spin-orbit effects in the formation of the Na/He excimer on the surface of helium clusters. J. Reho, C. Callegari, J. Higgins, W. E. Ernst, K. K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. Faraday Discussion #108: "Dynamics of electronically excited states in gaseous, cluster and condensed media" 161-174 (1997)

181. Eigenstate resolved infrared-infrared double resonance study of intramolecular vibrational relaxation in benzene: First overtone of the CH stretch. A. Callegari, H. K. Srivastava, U. Merker, K. K. Lehmann, G. Scoles and M. J. Davis. J. Chem. Phys. 106(1), 432 (1997).

180. Chromophore dependence of intramolecular vibrational redistribution:  CH stretch first overtone vs. SiH stretch second overtone in methylsilane.  J. W. Dolce, A. Callegari, B. Meyer, K. K. Lehmann and G. Scoles.

179. A Low Energy He Atom Diffraction Study of Decanethiol Self-assembled on Au (111). N. Camillone III, T. Y. B. Leung and G. Scoles. Surface Science 373(2/3), 333 (1997).

178. An atomic beam diffraction study of a rare gas monolayer of square symmetry:  Kr on (100) NaCl.  M. F. M. DeKieviet, D. Bahatt, G. Scoles, G. Vidali and G. Karimi.  Surface Science365, 789 (1996).

177. Spectroscopy of alkali atoms (Li, Na, K) attached to large He clusters. F. Stienkemeier, J. Higgins, C. Callegari and G. Scoles. Z. fur Physik D. 38, 253 (1996).

176. Spin polarized alkali clusters:  Observation of quartet states of the sodium trimer. J. Higgins, C. Callegari, J. Reho, W. E. Ernst, M. Gutowski, K. K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. Phys. Rev. Lett.77, 4532 (1996).

175. Photoinduced chemical dynamics of high spin alkali trimers. J. Higgins, C. Callegari, J. Reho, F. Stienkemeier, W. E. Ernst, K. K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. Science 273, 629-631 (1996).

174. The Argon-Diacetylene Complex: An Example of Distributed Interactions and Transferable Potentials. R. J. Bemish, R. E. Miller, X. Yang and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 105(23), 10171 (1996).

173. A High Resolution IR study of the van der Waals complexes of HCCCN with CO2 and N2. X. Yang, R. Z. Pearson and G. Scoles. J. Mol. Spectr. 180, 1 (1996).

172. Molecular Beam IR Spectroscopy of the HCCCN-HCCH and HCN-HCCCCH van der Waals complexes. X. Yang, R.Z. Pearson, K.K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 105(24), 10725 (1996).

171. Chain length dependence of the striped phases of alkanethiol monolayers self-assembled on Au(111). An atomic beam diffraction study. N. Camillone III, T.Y.B. Leung, P. Schwartz, P. Eisenberger and G. Scoles. Langmuir12, 2737 (1996).

170. Spectroscopy of alkali atoms and molecules attached to highly quantum clusters. F. Stienkemeier, J. Higgins, W. Ernst, C. Callegari and G. Scoles. Laser Spectroscopy, XII International Conference (Capri, Italy), World Scientific 377-381 (1996).

169. High resolution spectrum of the 3nu1 band of cyanoacetylene. J.E. Gambogi, E.R.Th. Kerstel, X. M. Yang, K. K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. J. Mol. Spectr. 175, 198-202 (1996).

168. Spectroscopy of alkali atoms and molecules attached to liquid helium clusters. F. Stienkemeier, J. Higgins, W. E. Ernst and G. Scoles. Z. Physik B 98, 413-416 (1995).

167. Counterion overlayers at the interface between an electrolyte and an w-functionalized monolayer self-assembled on Au (111). An x-ray reflectivity study. Jun Li, K. S. Liang, G. Scoles and A. Ulman. Langmuir11 4418-4427 (1995).

166. High Resolution Infrared Molecular Beam Spectroscopy of Cyanoacetylene Clusters. X. Yang, E.R.Th. Kerstel, G. Scoles, R.J.Bemish and R. Miller. J. Chem. Phys. 103 (20) 8828-8839 (1995).

165. On the use of liquid He cluster beams for the preparation and spectroscopy of the triplet states of alkali dimers and other weakly bound complexes. F. Stienkemeier, W. E. Ernst, J. Higgins and G. Scoles J. Chem. Phys. 102 (1) 615-617 (1995).

164. Intramolecular Dynamics of Allene in the Region Around 6000 cm-1 via Eigenstate- Resolved IR Spectroscopy. W. H. Timmermans, K. K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. Chem. Phys. 190, 393-405 (1995).

163. Intramolecular Vibrational Dynamics of Diacetylene and Diacetylene-dl via Eigenstate- Resolved Overtone Spectroscopy. J.E. Gambogi, R.Z. Pearson, X. Yang, K.K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. Chem. Phys. 190, 191-205 (1995).

162. Laser spectroscopy of alkali-doped helium clusters. F. Stienkemeier, J. Higgins, W. E. Ernst and G. Scoles. Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, No.18, 3592-95 (1995).

161. Reinvestigation of the 2nu1 band of trifluoropropyne using a frequency stabilized 1.5 micron color center laser in conjunction with a laser field build-up cavity. J. E. Gambogi, M. Becucci, Ch. O’Brien, K. K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. Berichte der Deutsche Bunsen- gesellschaft fur Physikalische Chemie, 99, 548-554 No.3 (1995).

160. The Structure of n-Octadecane Thiol Monolayers Self-Assembled on Au(001) Studied by Synchrotron x-ray and Helium Atom Diffraction. Jun Li, Keng S. Liang, N. Camillone III, T.Y.B. Leung and G. Scoles J. Chem. Phys. 102 (12) 5012-28 (1995).

159. Noble gas clusters as matrices for IR spectroscopy. From small clusters to the bulk- matrix limit: SF6 Arn, SF6Krn and SF6 Xen with 100 < n < 10,000. S. Goyal, D. L. Schutt and G. Scoles. J. Chem.Phys. 102 (6) 2302-2314 (1995).

158. New monolayer phases of n-alkane thiols self-assembled on Au(111). Preparation, surface characterization and imaging. N. Camillone III, P. Eisenberger, T.Y.B. Leung, P. Schwartz, G. Scoles, G.E. Poirier and M. J. Tarlow. J. Chem. Phys. 101, 11031 (1994).

157. Spectroscopy of DCN in molecular beam using a YLF laser at 1.9 mm. A. Callegari, A. DiLieto, P. Minguzzi, M. Tonelli, G. Scoles and H.P. Jenssen. Journal De Physique IV, Vol. 4 C4-679-682 (1994).

156. Chapter 2.2. in vol. 2 of "Clusters of Atoms and Molecules: H. Haberland editor. "IR spectroscopy of solvated molecules". F.G.Amar, S. Goyal, D.J. Levandier, L. Perera and G. Scoles. Springer (Heidelberg) 1994. (Book Chapter).

155. Molecular Beam Infrared Spectroscopy and Intramolecular Dynamics of SF5 CCH in the Region of the Fundamental and First Overtone of the Acetylenic CH Stretch. M. Becucci, J.E. Gambogi, T.H. Timmermans, K.K. Lehmann and G. Scoles, G.L. Gard, and Rolf Winter. Chemical Physics 187 11-19 (1994).

154. Interactions and structure of n-alkane thiol monolayers on gold surfaces. N. Camillone III, Becky T.Y. Leung and G. Scoles. SPIE Proceedings, LASE 2125(1994).

153. Intramolecular Vibrational Relaxation via Eigenstate Resolved Spectroscopy in the Frequency Domain. K.K. Lehmann, B.H. Pate and G. Scoles. Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 45 241-74 (1994).

152. Long Range, Resonant Vibrational Energy Exchange in Polyatomic Molecules: The Fundamental Acetylenic CH Stretching Spectrum of CH3Si (C_CH)3. J.E.Gambogi, R. L’Esperance, K.K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. J. Phys. Chem. 98, 5614 (1994).

151. Eigenstate resolved infrared-infrared double resonance spectroscopy of the 3n1 band of propyne: Intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution into a Coriolis coupled bath". J.E. Gambogi, E.R.Th.Kerstel,K.K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 100 2612-2622 (1994).

150. Subdoppler, infrared laser spectroscopy of the propyne 2n1band: Evidence of z- Axis Coriolis Dominated intramolecular state mixing in the acetylenic CH stretch overtone. A. McIlroy, D. J. Nesbitt, E.R. Th. Kerstel, B. H. Pate, K.K. Lehmann, and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 100 2596-2611 (1994).

149. Reinvestigation of the Acetylene CH stretching fundamental of propyne via high resolution, optothermal infrared spectroscopy: non-resonant perturbations to n1". E.R. Th.Kerstel, K.K. Lehmann, B.H. Pate, and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys . 100 2588-2595 (1994).

148. The Rotationally-Resolved 3 mm Spectrum and the Structure of the ICCH Dimer. E.R. Th. Kerstel, K.K. Lehmann, Th.F. Mentel, G. Scoles and J.H.Timmermans. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 162 342-352 (1993).

147. Enhanced Instability of Extreme Motion States in Propyne: Lifetimes of Overtone Bands Versus Isoenergetic Combination States. J.E. Gambogi, J.H. Timmermans, K.K. Lehmann and G. Scoles. J.Chem. Phys. 99, 9314-17 (1993).

146. The n1 Vibrational Predissociation Lifetime of (HCN)2Determined from Upper State Microwave-infrared Double Resonance. E.R. Th. Kerstel, K.K. Lehmann, J. E. Gambogi, X. Yang and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys.99 8559-8570 (1993).

145. Sub-Doppler infrared spectroscopy of HCCCN-BF3 (n1) and HCN-BF3 (n1 and 2 n1) E. R. Th. Kerstel, B. H. Pate, Th. F. Mentel, X. Yang and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 101 (4) 2762-2771 (1994).

144. A High Resolution Infrared Study of HCCCN-HCN and HCCCN-HF. X. Yang, E.R.Th. Kerstel and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 99 (1) 760-61 (1993).

143. Structural Defects in Self-Assembled Organic Monolayers via Combined Atomic Beam and X-Ray Diffraction. N.Camillone, C.E.D.Chidsey, P. Eisenberger, P. Fenter, J. Li, K.S. Liang, G.Y. Liu and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 99 744-747 (1993).

142. Infrared Spectroscopy in Highly Quantum Matrices: Vibrational Spectrum of (SF6)n=1,2 Attached to Helium Clusters. S. Goyal, D. L. Schutt and G. Scoles. J. Phys. Chem. 97 2236-2245 (1993).

141. High resolution IR Study of the NCCCH---CO complex. X. Yang, R. Z. Pearson and G. Scoles. Chem. Phys. Lett. 204 145-151 (1993).

140. Intramolecular Coupling Enhanced Predissociation in HCCCN-HCN. X. Yang, E.R. Th.Kerstel and G. Scoles. J. Chem. Phys. 98 2727- 2734 (1993).

139. Structure and Predissociation Dynamics of (HCCCN)2: A high Resolution IR Study. E.R. Th. Kerstel, G. Scoles and X. Yang, J. Chem. Phys.99 876-884 (1993).

138. Highly Efficient Synchronous Amplification of a Picosecond Dye Laser at a Kilohertz Repetition Rate. J. W. Dolce, B. Yang, M. Saeed, L. DiMauro and G. Scoles, Appl. Phys. B.-Photophysics and Laser Chemistry B56, 43-46 (1993).

137. Intramolecular Vibrational Relaxation in Large Molecules: Homogeneous Lifetimes and the Mechanism of Energy Relaxation. K.K. Lehmann, B.H. Pate and G. Scoles. In "From Molecular Dynamics to Combustion Chemistry". S. Carra and N. Rahman Eds. World Scientific, 1992.

136. Molecular Solvation in Atomic Clusters Studied by Means of Molecular Beam Infrared Spectroscopy. S. Goyal, D. L. Schutt and G. Scoles Accounts of Chemical Research 26, 123-130 (1993).

135. Substrate Dependence of the Surface Structure and Chain Packing of Docosyl Mercaptan Self-Assembled on the (111), (110), and (100) Faces of Single Crystal Gold. N. Camillone III, C.E.D. Chidsey, G.Y. Liu and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 98 (5) 4234-45 (1993).

134. The Rate of Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Relaxation of the Fundamental C-H Stretch in (CF3)3C- C_C-H. J.E. Gambogi, K.K. Lehmann, B.H. Pate, G. Scoles and X. Yang, J. Chem. Phys. 98 (2) 1748-49 (1993).

133. Superlattice Structure at the Surface of a Monolayer of Octadecanethiol Self-Assembled on Au(111). N. Camillone III, C.E.D. Chidsey, G.Y. Liu and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 98 (4) 3503-11 (1993).

132. The Infrared Spectrum of SF6 Solvated in Large Molecular H2 Clusters. S. Goyal, D. L. Schutt and G. Scoles, Chem. Phys.Lett.196, 123 (1992).

131. The Rotationally Resolved 1.5 µm Spectrum of the HCN-HF Hydrogen Bonded Complex. E.R.Th. Kerstel, H. Meyer, K.K. Lehmann and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 97, 8896 (1992).

130. Influence of Methyl Group Deuteration on the Rate of Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Relaxation. J.E. Gambogi, R.P. L'Esperance, K.K. Lehmann, B. H. Pate and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys . 98 (2) 1116-22 (1993).

129. Vibrational Spectroscopy of SF6 Attached to He Clusters. S. Goyal, D.L. Schutt and G. Scoles, Phys.Rev. Lett. 69, 933 (1992).

128. Infrared Spectroscopy of SF6 Attached to Classical and Quantum Clusters. S. Goyal, D.L. Schutt and G. Scoles, published in the Proceedings of the NATO Conference: From Clusters to Crystals, Richmond, VA. Oct.8-12, 1991.

127. Low Energy Helium Diffraction Studies of CH3Br Overlayers Physisorbed on C(0001), NaCl(001) and LiF (001) Surfaces. G.N. Robinson, N. Camillone III, P.A. Rowntree, G.Y. Liu, J. Wang and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 96, 9212 (1992).

126. Low Energy Helium Diffraction Studies of CO2 Overlayers Physisorbed on NaCl (001). G.Y. Liu, G.N. Robinson, G. Scoles and P. Heiney, Surf. Sci. 262, 409-21 (1992).

125. Intramolecular Vibrational Redistribution on the Nanosecond Timescale: n1 and 2n1 Spectra of Substituted Acetylene Compounds. K.K. Lehmann, B.H. Pate and G. Scoles in Mode Selective Chemistry J.Jortner et al eds. p.17-23 (1991).

124. On the Measurement of the Rate of Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Redistribution via High Resolution Molecular Beam OptothermalSpectroscopy. K.K. Lehmann, B.H. Pate and G. Scoles, Laser Chemistry II, 237-45 (1991).

123. The Structure of CH3(CH2)17SH Self-Assembled on the Ag(111) Surface: An Incommensurate Monolayer. P. Fenter, P. Eisenberger, Jun Li, N. Camillone III, S. Bernasek, G. Scoles, T.A. Ramanarayanan, and K.S. Liang, Langmuir 7, 2013 (1991).

122. High Power Injection Seeded Optical Parametric Oscillator. D.C. Hovde, J.H. Timmermans, G. Scoles, and K.K. Lehmann, Optics Comm.86, 294-300 (1991).

121. Surface Structure and Thermal Motion of n-alkane thiols self-assembled on Au(111), Studied by Low Energy Helium Diffraction. N. Camillone III, C.E.D. Chidsey, G.Y. Liu, T.M. Putvinski and G. Scoles, J.Chem. Phys. 94, 8493 (1991).

120. The Onset of Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Redistribution and its Intermediate Case: The n1 and 2n1 Molecular Beam Optothermal Spectra of Trifluoropropyne. B.H. Pate, K.K. Lehmann and G. Scoles, J.Chem.Phys.95, 3891 (1991).

119. Dependence of Intramolecular Vibrational Relaxation on Central Atom Substitution: The n1 and 2n1 Molecular Beam Optothermal Spectra of (CH3)3 C-C_C-H and (CH3)3-Si- C_C-H. E. Kerstel, K.K. Lehmann, T.F. Mentel, B.H. Pate and G. Scoles, J. Phys. Chem. 95, 8282 (1991).

118. Infrared Spectroscopy of SF6 in and on Argon Clusters in an Extended Range of Cluster Sizes: Finite-size Particles Attaining Bulk-like Properties. S. Goyal, G.N. Robinson, D.L. Schutt and G. Scoles, J.Phys.Chem.95, 4186 (1991).

117. Zero order desorption of Xe from (0001) graphite: an experimental study and a theoretical model. J.C. Ruiz-Suarez, M.C. Vargas, F.O. Goodman and G.Scoles. Surf.Sci. 243, 219-226 (1991).

116. Thermal detection laser spectroscopy of molecular beams. G. Scoles. Proceedings of the "Conference on Lasers in Chemistry" held in Trieste in June 1990. Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Chem.Sci.) 103, no.3 (1991).

115. Statistical IVR and its Hindrance: The Fundamentals of (CH3)3CCCH and (CH3)3SiCCH. K.K. Lehmann, B.H.Pate and G.Scoles, J.Chem.Phys.93, 2152 (1990).

114. On the Prediction of Intermolecular Forces Between Unlike Atoms and Molecules. G.Scoles, Int.J. of Quantum Chem: Quantum Chem.Symp.24, 475-79 (1990).

 113. Eigenstate resolved n1 Spectrum of CF3CCH: Anharmonic Couplings to the Bath. K.K. Lehmann, B.H. Pate and G. Scoles, J.Chem.Soc.Faraday Trans. 86, 2071 (1990).

112. He Diffraction from Overlayers Physisorbed in a Self-Assembled Organic Monolayer. G.-Y. Liu, G. Scoles and J. Wang, Langmuir 6, 1804-06 (1990).

111. On the IR Spectroscopy of SiF4 and SF6 in Ar Clusters. Location of the solute. X.J. Gu, D.J. Levandier, B.Zhang, G.Scoles and D. Zhuang J.Chem.Phys. 93, 4898-4906 (1990).

110. Low Energy Helium Scattering from Ordered Physisorbed Layers of Polar Molecules. P. A. Rowntree, J.C. Ruiz-Suaréz, and G. Scoles, J.Phys.Chem. 94, 8511-8522 (1990).

109. Infrared Spectroscopy and Dimer Formation at the Surface of Medium-Large Argon Clusters. D.J. Levandier, S. Goyal, J. McCombie, B. Pate and G. Scoles, J.Chem.Soc. Faraday Trans. 86, 2361 (1990).

108. Two- and Three-Body Forces in the Interaction of He Atoms with Xe Overlayers Adsorbed on (0001) Graphite. R.A. Aziz, U. Buck, H. Jónsson, J.C. Ruiz-Suaréz, B. Schmidt, G. Scoles, M.J. Slaman and J. Xu, J. Chem. Phys. 91, 6477 (1989).

107. The Structure of Ammonia Overlayers Physisorbed onto the Surface of Single Crystal Graphite, Determined by Means of Atomic Beam Diffraction. G.-Y. Liu, P. Rowntree, G. Scoles and J. Xu, J.Chem.Phys. 92, 3853 (1990).

106. Molecular Order at the Surface of an Organic Monolayer Studied by Low Energy Helium Diffraction. C.E.D. Chidsey, G.-Y. Liu, P. Rowntree and G. Scoles J. Chem. Phys. 91, 4421 (1989).

105. Low Energy Helium Atom Scattering from HCl Monolayers Physisorbed on Graphite. P. Rowntree, G. Scoles and J.Xu, Surf Sci. 224, 43 (1989).

104. Molecular Collisions in, with and on Clusters. J. McCombie and G. Scoles, in AIP Conference Proceedings 205 XVI ICPEAC, A. Dalgarno et al. Editors, AIP, N.Y. 1990, page 430- 441.

103. Sub-Doppler Rotationally Resolved Overtone Spectroscopy of the HCN Dimer. H. Meyer, E.R.Th. Kerstel, D. Zhuang and G. Scoles J. Chem. Phys. 90, 4623 (1989).

102. Infrared Spectroscopy In and On Argon Clusters: Surface and Matrix Spectroscopy in the Gas Phase. D.J. Levandier, M. Mengel and G. Scoles, in "The chemical physics of atomic and molecular clusters." ProceedingsoftheInternationalSchoolE.Fermi, CVIICourse, held in Varenna on Lake Como, from June 28 to July 7, 1988, North Holland (1990) page 331.

101. Transition Dipole Moment Measurements for the n9 Band of Difluoromethane Using Rabi Oscillations. B. Zhang, X. Gu, N.R. Isenor and G. Scoles, Chem. Phys. 126, 151 (1988).

100. Molecular Beam Infrared Spectroscopy and Complex-Forming Reactions of CH3F in Argon Clusters. D.J. Levandier, M. Mengel, R. Pursel, J. McCombie and G. Scoles, Z. für Physik D, 10, 337 (1988).

99. On the Vibrational State-Dependent Polarizability of CO2. X.J. Gu, N.R. Isenor and G. Scoles, Phys. Rev. A 39, 413 (1989).

98. Chemical Dynamics in Systems of Finite Size. G. Scoles, in WorkshoponMolecularandClusterBeamScience, National Academy Press:Washington, 46-56 (1988).

97. Structure of Physisorbed Overlayers of Dipolar Molecules: A Combined Study by Atomic Beam Scattering and Molecular Dynamics. J.C. Ruiz, M.L. Klein, M.A. Moller, P. Rowntree, G. Scoles and J. Xu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 710 (1988).

96. Chapter 1. Introduction, G. Scoles, in Atomic andMolecularBeamMethods, (G. Scoles, D. Bassi, U. Buck and D. Lainé, eds.), Oxford University Press:New York, 3-13 (1988).

95. Systematic Trends in van der Waals Interactions: Atom-Atom and Atom-Surface Cases. G. Ihm, M.W. Cole, F. Toigo and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 87, 3995-3999 (1987).

94. Complex-Forming Reactions in Neutral Noble Gas Clusters. D.J. Levandier, J. McCombie, R. Pursel and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys.86, 7239 (1987).

93. Molecular Spectroscopy In and On Noble Gas Clusters. T.E. Gough, M. Mengel, P. Rowntree and G. Scoles, Laser Applications in Chemistry, SPIE Proceedings 669, 129-132 (1986).

92. Complex Forming Reactions in Noble Gas Clusters. D. Levandier, R. Pursel and G. Scoles (A. Weber, ed.), to be published in the ProceedingsoftheNATOWorkshoponvanderWaalsClusters, held in in Maratea (Italy), September 22-26, 1986.

91. Polarizability of CO2 Studied in Molecular Beam Laser Stark Spectroscopy. W.Q. Cai, T.E. Gough, T.E. Gough, X.J. Gu, N.R. Isenor and G. Scoles, Phys. Rev. A36, 4722-4727 (1987).

90. Hydrogen Atom Scattering from Physisorbed Overlayers. II. A Different Kind of Resonance Crossing. H. Jónsson, J.H. Weare. T.H. Ellis and G. Scoles, Surf. Sci. 180, 353-370 (1987).

89. Transition Dipole Moment for the C-O Stretching Band of CH3OH Measured with Molecular Beam Laser Stark Spectroscopy. T.E. Gough, X.J. Gu, N.R. Isenor and G. Scoles, Int'l. J. Infrared and Millimeter Waves 7, 1893-1901 (1986).

88. On the Laterally Averaged Interaction Potential Between He Atoms and the (0001) Surface of Graphite. J.C. Ruiz, H. Jónsson and G. Scoles, Chem. Phys. Lett. 129, 139 (1986).

87. Transition Dipole Moment Measurements for the n2 Band of NH3 with Molecular Beam Laser Stark Spectroscopy. W.Q. Cai, T.E. Gough, X.J. Gu, N.R. Isenor and G. Scoles, J. Mol. Spect. 120, 374-380 (1986).

86. The Observation of Two Zone Ramsey Fringes Using Laser Stark Spectroscopy of a Molecular Beam. A.G. Adam, T.E. Gough, N.R. Isenor, G. Scoles and J. Shelley, Phys. Rev. A34, 4803 (1986).

85. Molecular Beam Infrared Photodissociation of van der Waals Molecules Containing SF6. T.E. Gough, D.G. Knight, P.A. Rowntree and G. Scoles, J. Phys. Chem. 90, 4026 (1986).

84. Rotationally Inelastic Scattering and Potential Calculations for Ne+CH4. U. Buck, A. Kohlhase, D. Secrest, T. Phillips, G. Scoles and F. Grein, Molec. Phys. 85, 1233 (1985).

83. Infrared Spectroscopy at the Surface of Clusters. A New Type of Surface Spectroscopy: SF6 on Ar. T.E. Gough, M. Mengel, P.A. Rowntree and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 83, 4958 (1985).

82. Very Low Energy Scattering of Helium Atoms from Crystal Surfaces. A Quantitative Comparison Between Experiment and Theory. L. Danielson, J.C. Ruiz, C. Schwartz, G. Scoles and J.M. Hutson, Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc. 80, 47 (1985).

81. Rabi Oscillations and Rapid Passage Effects in the Molecular Beam CO2 Laser Stark Spectroscopy of CH3F. A.G. Adam, T.E. Gough, N.R. Isenor and G. Scoles, Phys. Rev. A33, 1451 (1985).

80. NaCl(001) Surface Study by H Atom Scattering. Part II: Bound State Resonances. S. Iannotta, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, Surf. Sci.161, 429 (1985).

79. NaCl(001) Surface Study by H Atom Scattering. Part I: Diffraction. S. Iannotta, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, Surf. Sci. 161, 411 (1985).

78. Hydrogen Atom Scattering from Physisorbed Overlayers. I. Diffraction. T.H. Ellis, G. Scoles, U. Valbusa, H. Jónsson and J.H. Weare, Surf. Sci. 155, 499-534 (1985).

77. The Effects of Surface Atom Vibrations on the Diffraction of 1H and 2H Beams from the Basal Plane of Graphite. S. Iannotta, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, J. Phys. Chem. 89, 1914-1921 (1985).

76. Optical Ramsey Fringes with Travelling Waves. Ch. J. Bordé, Ch. Salomon, S. Avrillier, A. van Lerberghe, Ch. Breant, D. Bassi and G. Scoles, Phys. Rev. A30, 1836-1849 (1984).

75. State Resolved Rotational Relaxation of CH3F in the Free Jet Expansion of CH3F-He Mixtures. C. Douketis, T.E. Gough, G. Scoles and H. Wang, J. Phys. Chem. 88, 4484-4487 (1984).

74. Anisotropic Intermolecular Forces from Hartree-Fock Plus Damped Dispersion (HFD) Calculations. Application to Ar-HCl and Ar-HF. C. Douketis, J.M. Hutson, B.J. Orr and G. Scoles, Mol. Phys. 52, 763 (1984).

73. Atom-Scattering as a Quantitative Surface Probe: Noble Gas Monolayer and Bilayer on Graphite. H. Jónsson, J.H. Weare, T.H. Ellis, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, Phys. Rev. B30, 4203 (1984).

72. Interaction of Hydrogen Atoms with Polyatomic Molecules Studied by Means of Scattering Experiments and Hybrid Hartree-Fock Plus Damped Dispersion Calculations. G.O. Este, D.G. Knight, G. Scoles, U. Valbusa and F. Grein, J. Phys. Chem. 87, 2772-2780 (1983).

71. Laser Stark Spectroscopy of Carbon Dioxide in a Molecular Beam. T.E. Gough, B.J. Orr and G. Scoles, J. Mol. Spect. 99, 143-158 (1983).

70. Matrix Spectroscopy in the Gas Phase: IR Spectroscopy of Argon Clusters Containing SF6 or CH3F. T.E. Gough, D.G. Knight and G. Scoles, Chem. Phys. Lett. 97, 155 (1983).

69. Surface Vibrations of Atoms Physisorbed on a Crystal Surface: Monolayer and Bilayer Xenon on (0001) Graphite. T.H. Ellis, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, Chem. Phys. Lett. 94, 247-249 (1983).

68. Infrared Multiple Photon Excitation of Sulfur Hexafluoride in a Molecular Beam. D. Bassi, A. Boschetti, G. Scoles, M. Scotoni and M. Zen, Chem. Phys. 71, 239-245 (1982).

67. Optothermal Infrared Spectroscopy. T.E. Gough and G. Scoles, in Laser Spectroscopy V, (A.R.W. McKellar, T. Oka and B. Stoicheff, eds.), Springer:Berlin, 337 (1981).

66. Bound State Resonant Scattering of Atoms from a Layer of Gas Absorbed on the Surface of a Crystal. T.H. Ellis, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, Surface Science 118, 1251-1256 (1982).

65. Observation of Optical Ramsey Fringes in the 10 µm Spectral Region Using a Supersonic Beam of SF6. Ch. J. Bordé, S. Avrillier, A. van Lerberghe, Ch. Salomon, D. Bassi and G. Scoles, J. de Physique42, C8-15-19 (1981).

64. Supersonic Beam Spectroscopy of Low J Transitions of the n3 Band of SF6: Rabi Oscillations and Adiabatic Fast Passage with a c.w. Laser. S. Avrillier, J.M. Raimond, Ch. J. Bordé, D. Bassi and G. Scoles, Optics Comm. 39, 311 (1981).

63. The Infrared Spectra and Vibrational Predissociation of (CO2)n Clusters Using Laser- Molecular Beam Techniques. T.E. Gough, R.E. Miller and G. Scoles, J. Phys. Chem. 85, 4041 (1981).

62. Intermolecular Forces via Hybrid Hartree-Fock Plus Damped Dispersion (HFD) Energy Calculations. Systems with Small Nonsphericity: ArH2, NeH2 and HeH2. W.R. Rodwell and G. Scoles, J. Phys. Chem. 86, 1053-1059 (1982).

61. Diffractive Scattering of H Atoms from an Ordered Xenon Overlayer Adsorbed on the (001) Surface of Graphite. T.H. Ellis, S. Iannotta, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, Phys. Rev. B24, 2307-2310 (1981).

60. Sub-Doppler Resolution Infrared Molecular-Beam Spectroscopy. Stark-Effect Measurement of the Dipole Moment of Hydrogen Fluoride and Hydrogen Cyanide in Excited Vibrational State. T.E. Gough, R.E. Miller and G. Scoles, Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc. 71, 77-85 (1981).

59. High Resolution Diffractive Scattering of H and D Atoms by Single Crystal Surfaces. T.H. Ellis, S. Iannotta, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 18, 488-489 (1981).

58. State Resolved Rotational Relaxation of CO in the Free Jet Expansion of He-CO Mixtures. D. Bassi, A. Boschetti, S. Marchetti, G. Scoles and M. Zen, J. Chem. Phys. 74, 2221-2227 (1981).

57. Measurement of the Spin Exchange Cross Section in the Collision of H Atoms with O2 and NO by Means of Stored Atomic Beam Spectroscopy. M. Anderle, D. Bassi, S. Iannotta, S. Marchetti and G. Scoles, Phys. Rev. A23, 34-35 (1981).

56. Intermolecular Forces via Hybrid Hartree-Fock SCF Plus Damped Dispersion (HFD) Energy Calculations. An Improved Spherical Model. C. Douketis, G. Scoles, S. Marchetti, M. Zen and A. Thakkar, J. Chem. Phys. 76, 3057-3063 (1982).

55. Intermolecular Forces: Hybrid Calculations. G. Scoles, ProceedingsoftheMolecularPhysicsandQuantumChemistryWorkshop, Wollongong (Australia), (1980).

54. Two-Body, Spherical, Atom-Atom and Atom-Molecule Interaction Energies. G. Scoles, Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 31, 81-96 (1980).

53. Molecular Beam Experiments on the Sticking and Accommodation of Molecular Hydrogen on a Low Temperature Substrate. T.R. Govers, L. Mattera and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 72, 5446-5455 (1980).

52. Diffractive Scattering of H Atoms from the (001) Surface of LiF at 78_K. G. Caracciolo, S. Iannotta, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, J. Chem. Phys. 72, 4491-4499 (1980).

51. On the Question of the Well Depth of the He-Ar Interatomic Potential. R.A. Aziz, P.W. Riley, U. Buck, G. Maneke, J. Schleusener, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, J. Chem. Phys. 71, 2637-2643 (1979).

50. Scattering Experiments with Hydrogen Atoms. II. A System of Astrophysical Interest: H+CO. G. Caracciolo, T.H. Ellis, G.O. Este, U. Valbusa, A. Ruffolo and G. Scoles, Astrophys. J. 229, 451-454 (1979).

49. Photoinduced Vibrational Predissociation of van der Waals Molecules. T.E. Gough, R.E. Miller and G. Scoles, Adv. Laser Chem., 433 (1978).

48. Photoinduced Vibrational Predissociation of the van der Waals Molecule (N2O)2. T.E. Gough, R. Miller and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys.69, 1588-1590 (1978).

47. Sub-Doppler Resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Supersonic Molecular Beams of NO. T.E. Gough, R. Miller and G. Scoles, J. Mol. Spectrosc.72, 124-127 (1978).

46. Scattering Experiments with Hydrogen Atoms. I. Differential Collision Cross Sections for H+Ar, D+Ar and H+CH4. G.O. Este, G. Knight and G. Scoles, Chem. Phys. 35, 421-427 (1978).

45. Intermolecular Forces in Hydrogen-Nobel Gas Mixtures. A.M. Rulis, G. Scoles and K.M. Smith, Can. J. Phys. 56, 753-762 (1978).

44. An Intermolecular Potential for (NH3)2. G. Duquette, T.H. Ellis, R.O. Watts, M.L. Klein and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 68, 2544-2549 (1978).

43. The Isotropic Part of the Potential Between Two H2 Molecules. A.M. Rulis and G. Scoles, Chem. Phys. 25, 183-188 (1977).

42. Infrared Laser Spectroscopy of Molecular Beams. T.E. Gough, R.E. Miller and G. Scoles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 30, 338-340 (1977).

41. Intermolecular Forces in Mixtures of He with the Heavier Noble Gases. K.M. Smith, A.M. Rulis, G.A. Aziz, V. Nain and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 67, 152-163 (1977).

40. Intermolecular Forces in Simple Systems. R. Ahlrichs, R. Penco and G. Scoles, Chem. Phys. 19, 119-130 (1977).

39. Recombination of Atomic Hydrogen on Low Temperature Surfaces. A. Schutte, D. Bassi, F. Tommasini, A. Turelli, J.J.F. Hermans and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 64, 4135-4142 (1976).

38. Molecular Beam Scattering Experiments with Polar Molecules. R.W. Bickes, Jr., G. Duquette, C.J.N. van den Meijdenberg, A.M. Rulis, K.M. Smith and G. Scoles, J. Phys. B8, 3034-3043 (1975).

37. A Simple But Reliable Method for the Prediction of Intermolecular Potentials. J. Hepburn, R. Penco and G. Scoles, Chem. Phys. Lett.36, 451-455 (1975).

36. Intermolecular Forces in Gaseous Mixtures: He-Ar. K.M. Smith, A.M. Rulis, G. Scoles, R.A. Aziz and G. Duquette, J. Chem. Phys.63, 2250-2252 (1975).

35. Study of the Intermolecular Potentials for Hydrogen-Noble Gas Pairs Via Molecular Beam Differential Scattering Measurements. R.W. Bickes, Jr., K.M. Smith and G. Scoles, Can. J. Phys. 53, 435-444 (1975).

34. Energy Dependence of High Resolution Integral Collision Cross Section Measurements for Elastic Scattering of H and D Atoms by Hg at Thermal Energies. A. Schutte, D. Bassi, F. Tommasini and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 62, 600-605 (1975).

33. New Compact Molecular Beam Velocity Selector. G.O. Este, B. Hilko, D. Swayer and G. Scoles, Rev. Sci. Instr. 46, 223-225 (1975).

32. Chemical Reactions Occurring at the Gas-Solid Interface, in Dynamic Aspects of Surface Physics (F.O. Goodman, ed.) Editrice Compositori:Bologna (Italy), 588-604 (1974).

31. Molecular Beam Differential Collision Cross Section Measurements with H2O. R.W. Bickes, Jr., G.O. Este, G. Scoles and K.M. Smith, J. Phys. B7, L19-L21 (1974).

30. Quantum Symmetry Effects in the Scattering of Neutral Particles, in The Physics of Electronic and AtomicCollisions, G. Scoles (B. Cobic and M.V. Kurepa, eds.) Beograd:Yugoslavia 583-594 (1973).

29. Determination of the Interatomic Potential of Krypton. U. Buck, M.G. Dondi, U. Valbusa, M.L. Klein and G. Scoles, Phys. Rev.8, 2409-2416 (1973).

28. Interaction of Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen Beams with Surfaces at Very Low Temperatures. G. Marenco, A. Schutte, G. Scoles and F. Tommasini, J. Vac. Sci. Tech. 9, 824-827 (1972).

27. Orbiting Resonances in the Scattering of H Atoms by Hg at Thermal Energies. A. Schutte, D. Bassi, F. Tommasini and G. Scoles, Phys. Rev. Lett. 29, 979- 982 (1972).

26. Energy Dependence of the Differential Collision Cross Section of H2 at Thermal Energies. M.G. Dondi, U. Valbusa and G. Scoles, Chem. Phys. Lett. 17, 137-141 (1972).

25. Low Energy Repulsive Interaction Potential for Helium. P. Cantini, M.G. Dondi, F. Torello and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 56, 1946-1956 (1972).

24. Nonspherical Potentials and Molecular Scattering at Thermal Energies: N2 and the Noble Gases. M. Cavallini, M.G. Dondi, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, Chem. Phys. Lett. 10, 22-24 (1971).

23. Crossed Beams Measurements of the Differential Collision Cross Section of Heavy Rare Gases: Ar and Kr. M. Cavallini, M.G. Dondi, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, Entropie 42, 136-139 (1971).

22. A Molecular Beam Scattering Apparatus with a Low Temperature Bolometer Detector. M. Cavallini, L. Meneghetti, G. Scoles and M. Yealland, Rev. Sci. Instr. 42, 1759-1763 (1971).

21. Viscosity of Ammonia and its Mixtures with Noble Gases in an Electric Field. F. Tommasini, A.C. Levi and G. Scoles, Z. Naturforsch26a, 1098-1100 (1971).

20. Rainbow Scattering and the Intermolecular Potential of Argon. M. Cavallini, G. Gallinaro, L. Meneghetti, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, Chem. Phys. Lett. 7, 303- 305 (1970).

19. Differential Collision Cross Section Measurements in the Elastic Scattering of Light Identical Molecules: Helium. M. Cavallini, L. Meneghetti, G. Scoles and M. Yealland, Phys. Rev. Lett. 24, 1469-1471 (1970).

18. Viscosity in an Electric Field of Mixtures of Polar Gases with Argon and Helium. A. Levi, G. Scoles and F. Tommasini, Z. Naturforsch25a, 1213-1219 (1970).

17. Viscosity and Thermal Conductivity of Polar Gases in an Electric Field. F. Tommasini, A.C. Levi, G. Scoles, J.J. deGroot, J.W. van den Broeke, C.J. van den Meijdenberg and J.J.M. Beenakker, Physica 49, 299-341 (1970).

16. Energy Dependence on the Elastic Total Collision Cross Section of Identical Molecules: 4He. M.G. Dondi, F. Torello, H. Pauly and G. Scoles, J. Chem. Phys. 51, 392-397 (1969).

15. A Superconducting Bolometer as a high Sensitivity Detector for Molecular Beams. M. Cavallini, G. Gallinaro and G. Scoles, Z. Naturforsch24a, 1850-1851 (1969).

14. Temperature Distribution in Free Expanding Jets. G. Gazzola, G. Scoles and F. Torello, VI International SymposiumonRarefieldGasDynamics, Vol. 2, (Leon Trilling and H.F. Wachman, eds.), Academic Press:New York, 977-983 (1969).

13. Absolute Total Collision Cross Sections for Maxwellian Beams of Hydrogen and Helium Scattered by Room Temperature Hydrogen and Helium. P. Cantini, M. Cavallini, M.G. Dondi and G. Scoles, Phys. Lett.27a, 284-285 (1968).

12. Supersonic Molecular Beams Production and Temperature Distribution in Free Expanding Jets. F. Torello and G. Scoles, Meccanica3, 20-27 (1968).

11. The Influence of a Magnetic Field on the Transport Properties of Gases of Polyatomic Molecules. J. Korving, H. Hulsman, H. Knaap, J.J.M. Beenakker and G. Scoles, Physica 36, 177-214 (1967).

10. Visoelectric Effect in Polar Polyatomic Gases. G. Gallinaro, G. Meneghetti and G. Scoles, Phys. Lett. 24a, 451-452 (1967).

9. High Sensitivity Bolometer Detector for Molecular Beams. M. Cavallini, G. Gallinaro and G. Scoles, Z. Naturforch. 22a, 413-414 (1967).

8. Isotope Separation in Physical Adsorption. G. Casanova, M.G. Dondi, G. Scoles and M.L. Klein, Fundamentals of Gas-SurfaceInteractions (H. Staltsburg, ed.), Academic Press:New York and London, 258-270 (1967).

7. Cryopump Techniques for Molecular Beam Experiments. G. Scoles, C.J.N. van den Meijdenberg, J.W. Bredewout and J.J.M. Beenakker, Physica31, 223-236 (1965).

6. The Influence of a Magnetic Field on the Viscosity and Other Transport Properties of Gaseous Diatomic Molecules. J.J.M. Beenakker, H. Hulsman, H.F.P. Knaap, J. Korving and G. Scoles, Adv. in Thermophysical Properties, (Serge Gratch, ed.), ASME, New York, 216-220 (1965).

5. Isotope Effects in Physical Adsorption and the Interaction Between Argon Atoms and Graphitized Carbon Blacks. G. Casanova, M.G. Dondi, M.L. Klein and G. Scoles, Discussion of the Faraday Society 40, 188-195 (1965).

4. The Influence of a Magnetic Field on the Transport Properties of Diatomic Molecules in the Gaseous State. J.J.M. Beenakker, G. Scoles, H.F.P. Knaap and R.M. Jonkman, Phys. Lett. 2, 5-6 (1962).

3. Vapour Pressure of Isotopic Solids by a Steady Flow Method. G. Boato, G. Scoles and M.E. Vallauri, Il Nuovo Cimento 23, 1041-1053 (1962).

2. Vapour Pressure of Isotopic Liquids II. G. Boato, G. Casanova, G. Scoles and M.E. Vallauri, Il Nuovo Cimento 20, 87-93 (1961).

1. Vapour Pressure of Isotopic Liquids I. G. Boato, G. Scoles and M.E. Vallauri, Il Nuovo Cimento 14, 735-747 (1959).

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