Spektrum: internationale Vierteljahresschrift für Dichtung und Originalgrafik Zürich. Edited by Sven Knebel (Zürich: S. Knebel, 1958-1992). Jahrg.1 (1958/1959)-Jahrg.33/34 (1991/1992). Missing issues 1958-59. Graphic Arts GAX 2012- in process
Beginning in 1958, the Swiss artist Sven Knebel (born 1927) established a publishing firm to promote the work of young writers and artists. Felix Rellstab joined him as an editor. The oversize format of their quarterly magazine Spectrum accommodated large scale original woodcuts, linocuts, and screen prints in every issue.
Authors include Günter Eich, Max Frisch, Ludwig Hohl, Alfred Andersch, Rainer Brambach, Walter Gross, and many others. One of artist Knebel frequently published was the German printmaker Helmut Andreas Paul (HAP) Grieshaber (1909-1981), who cut large, dramatic images on course wood blocks. Bert Schmidmeister, Samuel Lier, Viktor Hermann, and Juana Faure are among the many other artists given a platform at Spektrum.