Dr. Dryer's research efforts involve the following professional staff: Dr. Richard A. Yetter (Professional Research Scientist), Dr. Kenneth Southerland (Research), Mrs. Yolanda Stein (Professional Technical Staff Member), and Mr. Paul Michniewicz (Senior Technical Staff Member). Completing the research team are the following graduate students:
P. Bucher: 1994-present, Pursuing Ph.D., "The Combustion Properties of Aluminum Particles in Oxygen and Flourine-containing Environments".
J. Eng: 1994-present, Pursuing Ph.D., "Interaction Between Nitric Oxide and Crevice Hydrocarbon Oxidation Chemistry in an Internal Combustion Engine".
L. Ernst: Pursuing Ph.D., "e;"Ignition and Combustion of Tungsten, and Iron""e;.
S. Fischer: 1996-present, Pursuing M.S.E., "The Combustion Chemistry of Oxygenated Fuel Structures: Di-methyl Ether and Methy-Tert-Butyl Ether". DOD Fellow
M. Mueller: 1994-present, Pursuing Ph.D., "Combustion Kinetics relevant to Pollutant Interactions under Post-Combustion Conditions".
J. Scire: 1995-present, Pursuing Ph.D., "Hydrocarbon Kinetics Studies Via Moist CO System Perturbation".
B. Urban: 1997-present, Pursuing Ph.D., "e;Microgravity Combustion of Isolated Droplets of Methanol, Ethanol, n-Heptane and n-Decane"e;.
The following degrees are expected to be completed in the next six months:
T. Amano: MSE Degree, "Ignition Phenomena of CH4 with Ethane, DiMethyl Ether, and NOx".
J. Eng: Ph.D. Degree, "Interaction Between Nitric Oxide and Crevice Hydrocarbon Oxidation Chemistry in an Internal Combustion Engine".
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Last updated: December 31, 1997