Publications, Preprints & Abstracts
Microgravity Droplet Combustion
Prof. Frederick L. Dryer
Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
D-316 Engineering Quadrangle
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
- Shaw, B. D., Dryer, F. L., Williams, F. A. and Gat, N. (1988).
Interactions between Gaseous Electrical Discharges and Single
Liquid Droplets, Combustion and Flame 74, pp. 233-254.
- Shaw, B.D., Dryer, F.L., Williams, F.A. and Haggard, J.B.,
Jr. (1988). Sooting and Disruption in Spherically Symmetrical
Combustion of Decane Droplets in Air, Acta Astronautica
17, pp. 1195-1202.
- Choi, M.Y., Dryer F.L., Haggard, J.B., Jr. and Brace, M. (1988).
The Burning of Methanol Droplets in Humid Air, Eastern States
Section of the Combustion Institute, December.
- Shaw, B.D. (1989). The Ignition and Combustion of Isolated
Droplets in a Microgravity Environment", Ph.D. Thesis, Department
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University,
Princeton NJ, February.
- Choi, M. Y., Dryer, F.L ., Haggard, J. B., Jr., and Brace,
M. H. (1989). Some Further Observations on Micro-gravity Droplet
Combustion in the NASA-Lewis Drop Tower Facilities: A Digital
Processing Technique for Droplet Burning Data, Drops and Bubbles
Third International Colloquium, edited by Wang, T. G., American
Institute of Physics, Conference Proceedings 197, pp. 338-361.
- Choi, M.Y., Cho, S.Y., Dryer, F.L. and Haggard, J.B., Jr.
(1989). Some Observations on the Burning of Methanol Droplets
in Microgravity Using Various Inert Gases, Eastern States Section
of the Combustion Institute, November.
- Haggard, J. B., Jr., Brace, M. H., Dryer, F. L., Choi, M.
Y., Williams, F. A. and Card, J. (1990). N-Decane-Air Droplet
Combustion Experiments in the NASA-Lewis 5 Second Zero-gravity
Facility, AIAA Paper No. 90-0649, January.
- Cho, S. Y., Yetter, R. A. and Dryer, F. L. (1990). Mathematical
Modelling of Liquid Droplet Combustion in Micro gravity, Proceedings
of the Seventh International Conference on Mathematical and Computer
Modeling, Math. Comp. Modeling, 14, p. 790.
- Stein, Y., Choi, M.Y., Cho, S.Y. and Dryer, F.L. (1990). Absorption
of Intermediates in Liquid-Phase Combustion, poster paper, Twenty-Third
Symposium (International) on Combustion, Orleans, France,
- Choi, M. Y., Dryer, F. L., Haggard, J. B., Jr., and Borowski,
B. (1990). Observations of a Slow Burning Regime for Hydrocarbon
Droplets: n-Heptane/Air Results, Twenty-Third Symposium (International)
on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. pp.
- Cho, S. Y., Choi, M. Y. and Dryer, F. L. (1990). Extinction
of a Free Methanol Droplet in Microgravity, Twenty-Third Symposium
(International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh,
PA. pp. 1611-1617.
- Card, J. M. and Choi, M. Y. (1990). Initial Observations on
the Burning Rate of n-Heptane Droplets from the NASA-LeRC 5 Second
Zero-Gravity Facility, Eastern States Section of the Combustion
Institute, December.
- Choi, M. Y., Cho, S. Y., Stein, Y. S. and Dryer, F. L. (1990).
Absorption of Intermediates and Products in Free-Falling Droplet
Combustion, Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute,
- Choi, M. Y., Dryer, F. L., Haggard, J. B., Jr., and Borowski,
B. (1990). Observations of the Burning Behavior of Hydrocarbon
Droplets in Reduced Pressures Environments, Eastern States Section
of the Combustion Institute, December.
- Haggard, J. B., Jr., Williams, F. A., Card, J., Dryer, F.
L., Choi, M. Y. and Cho, S. Y. (1991). N-Decane Droplet Combustion
in the NASA Lewis 5 Second Zero-Gravity Facility: Results in Test
Gas Environments Other Than Normal Air, AIAA Paper No. 91- 0720,
- Choi, M.Y., Cho, S.Y., Dryer, F.L., and Haggard, J.B., Jr.
(1991). Some Further Observations on Droplet Combustion Characteristics:
NASA LeRC/Princeton Results, IKI/AIAA Microgravity Science Symposium,
Moscow, May 1221. AIAA Proceedings, H.C. Gatos and L.L. Regal,
Chairs, (ISBN 1563470012). p. 294-304.
- Cho, S.Y., Yetter, R.A., and Dryer, F.L. (1991). Mathematical
Modeling of Droplet Combustion, Fourth International Conference
on Numerical Combustion, St. Petersburg, FL December 24.
- Choi, M.Y. (1991). Droplet Combustion Characterization under
Microgravity and Normal Gravity Conditions, Ph.D. Thesis, Department
of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University,
Princeton, NJ, August, 1991, MAE 1937T.
- Williams, F.A., Dryer, F.L., and Haggard, J.B., Jr. (1991).
Preliminary Science Document for The Droplet Combustion Apparatus,
NASA Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, OH, November 1.
- Cho, S.Y., Yetter, R.A. and Dryer, F.L. (1992). A Computer
Model for One-Dimensional Mass and Energy Transport in and around
Chemically Reacting Particles, Including Complex Gas-Phase Chemistry,
Multi-component Molecular Diffusion, Surface Evaporation and Heterogeneous
Reaction, Journal of Computational Physics, 102, pp. 160-179.
- Choi, M. Yu., Cho, S. Y., Dryer, F. L. and Haggard, J. B.,
Jr. (1992). Computa-tional/Experimental Basis for Conducting Alkane
Droplet Combustion Experiments on Space Platforms, Microgravity
Fluid Mechanics, H.J. Rath, ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin,
pp. 337.
- Choi, M.Y., Dryer, F.A., Card, J.M., Williams, F.A., Haggard,
J.B., Jr. and Borowski, B.A. (1992). Microgravity Combustion of
Isolated n-Decane and n-Heptane Droplets, AIAA Paper No. 92-0242,
- Choi, M.Y., Dryer, F.L. and Sangiovanni, J.J. (1992). The
Investigation of Sootshell Formation During Microgravity Droplet
Combustion, poster paper, Twenty-Fourth Symposium (International)
on Combustion, Sydney, Australia, July.
- Choi, M.Y., Dryer, F.L., Green, G.J. and Sangiovanni, J.J.
(1993). Soot Agglomeration in Isolated, Free Droplet Combustion,
AIAA Paper No. 93-0823, January.
- Dryer, F.L. (1993). Computation/Experimental Studies of Isolated,
Single Component Droplet Combustion, Second International Microgravity
Combustion Workshop, NASA Conference Publication 10113, pp. 291-296.
- Dryer, F.L., (1993). Scientific Support for a Space Shuttle
Droplet Burning Experiment, NASA Contract No. NAS3-24620, March.
Final technical summary report.
- Lee, J. C., Yetter, R.A., and Dryer, F.L. (1993). Transient
Numerical Modeling of Carbon Particle Ignition and Oxidation,
MAE Report No. T1980, August.
- Lee, J. C., Yetter, R.A., and Dryer, F.L. (1993). Transient
Modeling of Carbon Particles Ignition and Oxidation, Joint Central
States/Eastern Sectional Meeting of Comb. Inst., New Orleans,
LA, March 15-17.
- Marchese, A.J., Choi, M.Y., and Dryer, F.L. (1994). Theoretical
Basis for Estimated Test Times and Conditions for Drop Tower and
Space-Based Droplet Burning Experiments with Methanol and N-Heptane,
Princeton University MAE Report 1999, August.
- Lee, J. C., Yetter, R.A., and Dryer, F.L. (1994). Numerical
Simulation of an Isolated Carbon Particle Ignited in an Electrodynamic
Analyzer, Eastern States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute,
- Marchese, A.J. and Dryer, F.L. (1994). Transient Numerical
Modeling of Combustion of Bi-Component Liquid Droplets: Methanol/Water
Mixtures, Eastern States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute,
- Held, T.J., Marchese, A.J., and Dryer, F.L. (1995). A New
Reaction mechanism for Higher Normal Alkane Diffusion Flame Studies,
CS/WSSCI, April.
- Marchese, A.J. and Dryer, F.L. (1995). Transient Numerical
Modeling of the Microgravity Combustion of Bi-Component Liquid
Droplets: Heptane/Hexadecane Mixtures, CS/WSSCI, April.
- Marchese, A.J., Lee, J.C., Held, T.J., and Dryer, F.L. (1995).
The Effects of Detailed Chemistry and Transport on Microgravity
Droplet Combustion, 3rd International Microgravity Combustion
Workshop Proceedings, Cleveland, OH, April.
- Lee, J.C., Yetter, R.A., and Dryer, F.L. (1996). Transient
Numerical Modeling of Carbon Particle Ignition and Oxidation,
Combust. and Flame, 101, 387.
- Marchese, A.J. and Dryer, F.L. (1996). Effect of Liquid Mass
Transport on the Combustion and Extinction of Bi-Component Liquid
Droplets of Methanol and Water, Combust. and Flame, 105,
- Lee J.C., Yetter, R.A., and Dryer, F.L. (1996). Numerical
Simulation of Laser Ignition of an Isolated Carbon Particle in
Quiescent Environment, Combust. and Flame, 105, 591.
- Lee, J., Tomboulides, A.G., Orszag, S.A., Yetter, R. A., and
Dryer, F.L. (1996). Integrated Asymptotic Analysis and Numerical
Simulation of Laminar Flow Reactors, Third Workshop on Modeling
of Chemical Reaction Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, July 24-26.
- Lee, J.C.Y. (1996). Simulations of Two-Dimensional Chemically
Reactive Flows, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace
Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, June. MAE 2063-T.
- Marchese, A.J. (1996). Single and Multi-component Liquid Droplet
Combustion: Detailed Kinetic Modeling and Microgravity Experiments,
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,
Princeton University, Princeton , NJ, June. MAE 2081-T.
- Marchese, A.J. and Dryer, F.L. (1996). The Effect of Non-Luminous
Gas Phase Radiation on the Combustion of Large Droplets in Microgravity,
Work-in-Progress Poster Presentation, Twenty-Sixth International
Symposium on Combustion, Naples, Italy, July.
- Lee, J.C., Tomboulides, A.G., Marchese, A.J., Yetter R.A.,
Dryer, F.L., and Orszag, S.A. (1996). Droplet Combustion in a
low Reynolds Number Flow Environment, Eastern States Section Meeting
of the Combustion Institute, December. Book of Abstracts, pp.
- Marchese, A.J. and Dryer, F.L. (1996). Radiative Effects in
Space-Based Methanol/Water Droplet Combustion Experiments, Eastern
States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, December.
Book of Abstracts, pp. 353-356.
- Lee, J., Tomboulides, A.G., Orszag, S.A., Yetter, R. A., and
Dryer, F.L. (1997). Transient Two-Dimensional Chemically Reactive
Flow Model: Fuel Particle Combustion in a Non-Quiescent Environment,
Twenty-Sixth Symposium (Intn'l) on Combustion, The Combustion
Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. pp. 3059.
- Marchese, A.J., Nayagam, N.V., Colantonio, R., and Dryer,
F.L. (1997). Microgravity Combustion of Methanol and Methanol/Water
Droplets: Drop Tower Experiments and Model Predictions, Twenty-Sixth
Symposium (Intn'l) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute,
Pittsburgh, PA. pp. 1209
- Marchese, A.J., Nayagam, M.V., Colantonio, R. and Dryer, F.L.
(1997). Hydroxyl Radical Chemiluminescence Imaging and the Structure
of Microgravity Droplet Flames, Twenty-Sixth Symposium (Intn'l)
on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. pp.
- Dietrich, D.L., Dryer, F.L., Haggard, J.B., Jr., Nayagam,
M.V., Shaw, B.D., and Williams. F.A. (1997). Droplet Combustion
Experiments in Spacelab, Twenty-Sixth Symposium (Intn'l) on
Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA. pp.
- Marchese, A.J. and Dryer, F.L. (1997). The Effect of Non-luminous
Thermal Radiation in Microgravity Droplet Combustion, Combust.
Sci. and Tech., 124, 373 (1997).
- Held, T.J., Marchese, A.J., and Dryer, F.L. (1997). A Semi-Empirical
Reaction Mechanism for n-Heptane Oxidation and Pyrolysis, Combust.
Sci. and Tech., 123, 197 (1997).
- Dietrich, D.L., Dryer, F.L., Haggard, J.B., Jr., Nayagam,
M.V., Shaw, B.D., and Williams F.A. (1997). Fiber Supported Droplet
Combustion, L+1 Conference Proceedings for USML-2 Shuttle Mission, National Academy of Sciences, February, 10, 11.
- Marchese, A.J. and Dryer, F.L. (1997). Science Support for Space-Based Droplet Combustion: Drop Tower Experiments and Detailed Numerical Modeling, Fourth International Microgravity Conference, Cleveland Ohio, May 21, 1997. Published in the Proceedings, (Downloadable from this Web Site).
- Tomboulides, A.G., Lee, J.C.Y., and Orszag, S.A.(1997). Numerical Simulation of Low Mach Number Reactive Flows, J. Sci. Computing, 12, 139.
- Marchese, A.J., Dryer, F.L., Colantonio, R.O. (1998). Radiative Effects in Space-Based Methanol/Water Droplet Combustion Experiments, 27th Symposium (Intn’l) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA., University of Colorado, Boulder, Aug. 2-5. To be Published in Proceedings.
- Nayagam, V., Haggard, J.B. Jr., Colantonio, R.O., Marchese, A.J., Dryer, F.L., Zhang, B.L., and Williams, F.A. (1998). N-Heptane Droplet Combustion in Oxygen Helium Mixtures at Atmospheric Pressure, AIAA Journal, 36: 1369.
- Dryer, F.L., Haggard, J.B Jr., Nayagam, V. and Williams, F.A. (1998). Droplet Combustion Experiment, L+1 Conference Proceedings for MSL-1 Shuttle Mission, Marshall Space Flight Center, Hunstville, AL, August 25,26.
- Colantonio, R.O., Dryer, F.L., Haggard, J.B. Jr., Nayagam, V., Shaw, B.D., and Williams, F.A.(1998). Fiber Supported Droplet Combustion-2, L+1 Conference Proceedings for MSL-1 Shuttle Mission, Marshall Space Flight Center, Hunstville, AL, August 25,26.
- Marchese, A.J., Dryer, F.L., and Nayagam, V. (1999). Numerical Modeling of Isolated n-Alkane Droplet Flames:Initial Comparisons with Ground and Space-based Microgravity Experiments, Combust. and Flame, 116, 432.
Last updated: November 15, 1998