"Numerical Study of Multi-Phase Combustion: Ignition and Combustion of an Isolated Boron Particle in Fluorinated Environments", Wei Zhou, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton , NJ, June, 1998. MAE xxxx-T. Technical Consultant, Fluent Corporation, New Hampshire.
" Study of Acetaldehyde Combustion Kinetics in a Variable Pressure Flow Reactor", Darcy C.Z. Zarubiak, M.S.E. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ,June 1997. MAE 2044-T. Senior Environmental Planner, DFW International Airport, Texas
"An Experimental Study of Supersonic Laminar Reacting Boundary Layers", Joseph Fielding, M.S.E. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton , NJ, January 1997. MAE 2090-T. Ph.D. Candidate, Yale University, Fall 1997.
"The Kinetics of Nitrogen Dioxide Reactions", Jeffrey L. Gatto, M.S.E. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton , NJ, June 1997. MAE 2042. Dean Co., Fall Church VA.
"Single and Multi-component Liquid Droplet Combustion: Detailed Kinetic Modeling and Microgravity Experiments", Anthony J. Marchese, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton , NJ, June, 1996. MAE 2081-T. Assistant Professor, Rowen University.
"Simulations of Two-Dimensional Chemically Reactive Flows", J.C.Y. Lee, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, June, 1996. MAE 2063-T. Research Associate, ETH Switzerland.
"The Thermal Decomposition of Nitrous Oxide and Its Reaction with Hydrogen, Carbon Monoxide and Methane", Mark T. Allen, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton , NJ, June, 1996. MAE 2069-T. Research Scientist, Sci Tech, Inc. Princeton, NJ.
"Autoignition and Emissions-Related Chemistry of Primary Reference Fuels and Gasoline Components: Flow Reactor Experiments at 9.6 and 12.5 Atmospheres Pressure", C.V. Callahan, M.S.E. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton , NJ, November, 1995. MAE 2014-T. Research Engineer, Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Engines.
"Nitrogen Dioxide-Hydrogen Experiments in the Variable Pressure Flow Reactor", N. Ilincic, M.S.E. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton , NJ, January, 1995. MAE 1947-T. Research Associate, Yale University.
"Sensitization of the CO/H2/O2 System by Hydrocarbon Addition", T. Kim, MSE Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, January, 1994, MAE 1987-T. Present Position: Patent Reviewer, U.S. Patent Office, Washington, DC.
"The Effects of Chlorine on the Oxidation Kinetics of Hydrocarbons and Carbon Monoxide", J. Roesler, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, January, 1994, MAE 1976-T. Present Position: Research Scientist, French Institute of Petroleum, Paris.
"The Effects of Molecular Structure on Autoignition Chemistry", T. Held, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, August, 1993, MAE. Present Position: Research Scientist, GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH.
"The Autoignition Chemistry of n-Heptane/isooctane Mixtures", S. Kowalski, MSE Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, July, 1993, MAE 1974-T.
"The Burnout Properties of Heavy Fuel Coke Cenospheres", S. Huey, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, January, 1993, MAE 1938T. Present position: Research Engineer, Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, CA.
"Droplet Combustion Characterization under Microgravity and Normal Gravity Conditions", M.Y. Choi, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, August, 1991, MAE 1937T. Present position: Assistant Professor, University of Illinois - Chicago, Chicago, IL.
"A Variable Pressure Flow Reactor for Chemical Kinetic Studies: Hydrogen, Methane, and Butane Oxidation at 1 to 10 Atmospheres and 880 to 1040 K", M.L. Vermeersch, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, August, 1991, MAE 1916T. Present position: GE Aircraft Engines, Cincinnati, OH.
"An Experimental and Numerical Study on the Oxidation of Formaldehyde", S. Hochgreb, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, April, 1991, MAE 1910T. Present position: Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
"Trace Radical Species Detection in a Turbulent Chemical Kinetic Flow Reactor Using a 180o Laser Induced Fluorescence Probe", G.T. Linteris, Ph. D. Thesis (Prof. I. Glassman, coadvisor), Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, January, 1990. Present position: Payload Specialist, STS 83 Shuttle Flight, March, 1997.
"The Combustion Chemistry of Simple Alcohol Fuels", T.S. Norton, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University, Princeton NJ, January 1990, MAE 1877T. Fluent Technologies, Inc., NH.
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Last updated: December 31, 1997