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The graphing capabilities in Femview have been enhanced as follows:

  1. Creation of the command PRESENT GRAPH ELEMENT to allow results variation at specified elements to be graphed. Maximum, minimum or mean values over each element or values at specified nodes or Gauss points can be graphed. Where no restriction is specified the values graphed depend on the setting of the new command RESULTS RANGE EL-RESULT, which can be set to be MIN, MAX, MEAN or the number of a node or Gauss point.
  2. Extension of the command PRESENT GRAPH LINE so that results variation along more than one line may be graphed.
  3. Implementation of multiple attribute graphs. Results attributes and components are added to a "Results Stack" using the new command RESULTS STACK ADD. These results, together with the current one are then superimposed on the same graph. The new command PRESENT OPTIONS GRAPH AXES SINGLE/MULTIPLE/DEFAULT gives control over whether one axis is used for each attribute graphed or whether a single axis is used, and the command PRESENT OPTIONS GRAPH AXES has also been extended to enable each axis limit to be specified for multiple axes.
  4. Creation of the command PRESENT GRAPH RESULTS to facilitate the graphing of one results attribute component against another.
  5. Improvement of the command PRESENT GRAPH PROMPT to make the prompt sequence used to specify a graph more user friendly.
  6. Implementation of multiple surface graphs so that results for a selection of multiple surface results can be graphed.
  7. Creation of the command PRESENT OPTION GRAPH RESIZE to enable the size and position of a graph on the screen to be changed.
  8. Creation of the command PRESENT OPTIONS GRAPH FEEDBACK to display the values on a graph nearest to a cursor hit.
  9. Extension of the command PRESENT OPTIONS GRAPH LINES to allow changes to the thickness of graph lines to be made.
10. Creation of the command PRESENT OPTIONS GRAPH AXES SWAP to swap the axes of a graph.

11. Implementation of relevant EYE commands to control which part of a graph is shown.

12. Implement the ability to import X & Y values from external files (such as experimental data) and graph them with other Femview graphs. The new command is: RESULTS STACK IMPORT-XY filename. Then present a graph as before.

13. Added a background on which graphs are drawn.

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