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The FEMGEN to FEMSOL II interface has been updated as follows:

1. PROPERTY LOADS PRESSURE with DOF zero gives a reversed load direction when shells are loaded. The arrows in FGV are correct but the sign in the FS2 input file is wrong.

2. The same error as above for PROP LOADS HOLE-PRESSURE.

3. The toggle menus of the line dialog are not correctly aligned.

4. There is a format error when writing the #NODAL_TEMPERATURE directive which sometimes truncates the exponents of the gradients.

5. The interface sometimes writes non-existing loadcases for the #BOUNDARY_LOAD directive, eg. LC01,LC02,LC03,LC04 even though only LC01 and LC04 exists in the model.

6. When an eigenvalue analysis is requested for a model with loads, the interface doesn't print an #ALIAS directive for the names of the loadcases.

7. The directions of the element T-axis and the shell normal are now output correctly for mixed beam- and shell-models.

8. When named loadcases are used, the interface doesn't enclose the names in quotes. Therefore, some names used to lead to a syntax error in the analysis file.

9. #SURFACE_SUPPORT directives were not printed to the analysis file at all.

10. In the header of the analysis file is printed that the file is produced by FGV ver 4, although it is really ver 5.

11. No warning used to be generated if there are parts of the mesh without material or property. Instead a /PROPERTY=???? is generated, and this leads to a syntax error in the analysis file.

12. Sometimes both a global and a local coordinate system is generated on a #POINT_LOAD directive.

The FEMSOL II translator is now at version 5.0.001

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