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Dynamic Rotations

One of the main features of FEMGV 6 is the extension of dynamic rotations to work on the PC platform in the same way as for the Motif OpenGL.

The OpenGL driver within FEMGV 6 offers real-time interaction for rotations, scales and shifts.

If a dial box is not available then a combination of the CTRL key and the mouse may be used:

CTRL-Left Button

CTRL-Middle Button

CTRL-SHIFT-Left Button

CTRL-Right Button


Scaling (two-button mouse)

With the mouse pointer inside the graphics drawing area, hold down the CTRL key and then press and hold a mouse button to enter the desired 'interaction' mode. As long as the CTRL key is held down you may swap modes by releasing and pressing any of the mouse buttons. To exit from this 'interaction' mode, simply release the CTRL key and the mouse button.


To understand how rotations are achieved you should imagine that you are manipulating a sphere which fits around the model. Your finger is on the surface of the sphere at the position indicated by the mouse cursor. Moving your finger will rotate the sphere and hence the model. To reposition your finger on the sphere, release the lefthand mouse button, reposition the mouse cursor and then press the lefthand button again.


Simply moving the mouse will result in a corresponding X or Y axis shift.


Moving the mouse to the left will zoom out and moving it to the right will zoom in.

Note that dynamic rotations are available during picking operations.

Two Button Mouse : when using a two button mouse a combination of CTRL-SHIFT-Left Button gives the equivalent of middle mouse button (as shown in the above table and is the case consistently throughout FEMGV6).

If a dial box is available:
Dial Function
0 Rotate about the X axis
1 Shift along the X axis
2 Rotate about the Y axis
3 Shift along the Y axis
4 Rotate about the Z axis
5 Z axis scale

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