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FEMGV 6 represents a substantial step forward in program functionality and performance, and includes improvements to the user interface, geometry creation, meshing (tetrahedral), general body definition and the combination of FEMGEN models. FEMVIEW (for results display) incorporates a facility to scan loadcases for maximum and minimum results values, many improvements to graphing, and conversion of results from one axis system to another (e.g. from Cartesian to cylindrical). Both environments benefit from the extension of the dynamic rotations feature to work with PC windows platforms.

Although FEMGV 6 does not maintain backwards compatibility with data bases generated by previous versions of the program, an automatic database updating process is provided, and this can be selected interactively when an old model is accessed.

This document describes the new features of FEMGV 6 and, where relevant, shows any new commands that should be used.

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