Princeton University

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Course Syllabus


C.L. Johnson
ENG327: Jane Austen in Context


Titles marked with a star (*) are available in a packet on reserve at Firestone. Please xerox the entire packet there as soon as possible. Consult the course Web page each week for lecture outlines and announcements. See your preceptor for specific course policies during the semester and reading period.


Week 1 Sept. 15: Course Introduction: Readings from *Harding, *Garrod, and *newspapers.

Week 2 Sept. 22: The Jane Austen Everyone Knows. Men, Women, and Romantic Love: Pride and Prejudice. Essays by Duckworth, Butler, Auerbach, Fraiman, Brown in Norton Critical Edition.

Week 3 Sept. 29: The Novel of Manners, and Women's "Entrance into Life": Frances Burney, Evelina

Week 4 Oct. 6: Violence, Irony, Style: Early Writings. Catharine and Other Writings, "Volume The First" (Frederic and Elfrida, Jack and Alice, The Adventures of Mr. Harley, The Beautiful Cassandra); Volume the Second (Lesley Castle, History of England); Love and Freindship [sic]. *Woolf, *Rose.

Week 5 Oct. 13: The Gothic Novel and Paranoia: Ann Radcliffe, Sicilian Romance and Mary Wollstonecraft, The Wrongs of Woman; or, Maria

Week 6 Oct. 20: The Synthesis of Manners and Gothic: Northanger Abbey *Samuel Johnson, Rambler No. 4 , *Ann Radcliffe, The Italian, and *M. Butler. Optional Text: Charlotte Lennox, The Female Quixote.

Week 7 October 27: AUTUMN RECESS

Week 8 Nov. 3: Jane Austen and the Politics of 1790s: Sense and Sensibilityand Love and Freindship [sic]. *Butler, *Ruoff. Optional text: Elizabeth Inchbald, Simple Story.

Week 9 Nov. 10: Female Modesty and Crises of Colonial Power: Mansfield Park Selections from conduct literature by *Wollstonecraft, *More, *Gisborne, *Gregory. *Stewart, *Butler, *Litvak, *Trilling. Optional texts: Elizabeth Inchbald, Lovers Vows; Maria Edgeworth, Belinda.

Week 10 Nov. 17: Imagining Female Power: Emma. Essays by McMaster and Poovey in Norton Critical Edition.. Optional Text: Henry James, Portrait of a Lady.

Week 11 Nov. 24: Jane Austen and the Elegiac: Persuasion.. Critical essays in Norton Critical Edition.

Week 12 Dec. 1: Jane Austen's Legacy: *Kipling, "The Janeites;" Agatha Christie, Murder is Announced. Optional texts: Linklater, Thirkell, Heyer, Pym, OíBrien; "regency" romances; fan sites on the World Wide Web; sequels.

Week 13 Dec. 8: Jane Austen and the Movies: Clueless; Hollywoord & BBC versions of Pride and Prejudice and Emma
Last Modified Tuesday, 23-Sep-1997 16:22:10 EDT