Here is some of SAT papers we
collected (mostly from SAT-LIB):
- Bayardo Jr., R. J.; Schrag, R. C. Using
CSP look-back techniques to solve real world SAT instances. In: Proc. of
the 14th National Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pp. 203-208, 1997.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, learning. ]
- Barth, P. A Davis-Putnam Based
Enumeration Algorithm for Linear pseudo-Boolean Optimization.
MPI Technical Report, MPI-I-95-2-003, 1995.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, Davis Putnam, constraint programming, 0-1
problems. ]
- Barth, P.; Bockmayr, A. Modelling 0-1
problems in CLP(PB). MPI Technical Report, 1996.
[ Constraint programming, 0-1 problems. ]
- Bockmayr, A.; Kasper, T. Pseudo-Boolean
and Finite Domain Constraint Programming: A Case Study. MPI Technical
Report, 1996.
[ Constraint programming, 0-1 problems. ]
- Bayardo Jr., R. J.; Schrag, R. C. Using
CSP look-back techniques to solve exceptionally hard SAT instances. In:
Proc. of the Second Int'l Conf. on Principles and Practice of Constraint
Programming (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1118), pp. 46-60, Springer,
[ SAT, complete algorithms, learning. ]
- Beringer, A.; Aschemann, G.; Hoos, Holger H.; Metzger, M.; Weiß, A. GSAT
versus Simulated Annealing. In: Proc. of ECAI'94, pp. 130-134, John
Wiley \& Sons, 1994.
[SAT, local search, random 3-sat, simulated annealing. ]
- Cadoli, M.; Giovanardi, A.; Schaerf, M. Experimental
Analysis of the Computational Cost of Evaluating Quantified Boolean Formulae.
Proc. of AI*IA-97, Springer LNAI, 1997.
[ QSAT, algorithms, empirical analysis. ]
- Cadoli, M.; Giovanardi, A.; Schaerf, M. An
Algorithm to Evaluate Quantified Boolean Formulae. Proceedings of
AAAI-98, July, 1998.
[ QSAT, algorithms. ]
- Cadoli, M.; Schaerf, M.; Giovanardi, A.; Giovanardi, M. An
Algorithm to Evaluate Quantified Boolean Formulae and its Experimental
Evaluation. Technical report DIS 08-99, March 1999. Significantly
extended version of AI*IA-97 and AAAI-98.
[ QSAT, algorithms, empirical analysis. ]
- Clark, Dave; Frank, Jeremy; Gent, Ian; MacIntyre, Ewan; Tomov, Neven;
Walsh, Toby. Local
Search and the Number of Solutions. Proceedings of CP-96, 1996.
[ SAT, local search, search behaviour, search space analysis,
empirical analysis. ]
- Cook, S.A.; Mitchell, D.G.
Finding Hard Instances of the Satisfiability Problem: A Survey
. In: "Satisfiability Problem: Theory and Applications", DIMACS
Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, American
Mathematical Society, 1997.
[ SAT, survey article, applications, hard instances. ]
- Frank, J. Weighting
for Godot: Learning heuristics for GSAT. J. Frank, Proc. AAAI-96.
[ SAT, local search algorithms, GSAT, clause weighting. ]
- Freeman, J.W. Improvements
to Propositional Satisfiability Search Algorithms . PhD thesis, The
University of Pennsylvania, 1995.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, Davis Putnam. ]
- Gent, I.; Walsh, T. An
Empirical Analysis of Search in GSAT. Journal
of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol.
1, September 1993.
[ SAT, local search algorithms, GSAT. ]
- Gent, Ian; MacIntyre, Ewan; Prosser, Patrick; Walsh, Toby. The
Constrainedness of Search. Proceedings of AAAI-96, pages 246-252, 1996.
[ SAT, search, constrainedness, phase transition. ]
- Gent, I.; Walsh, T. Towards
an Understanding of Hill-climbing Procedures for SAT. Proceedings of
[ SAT, local search algorithms, GenSAT. ]
- Gent, I.; Walsh, T. Unsatisfied
Variables in Local Search. In `Hybrid Problems, Hybrid Solutions'
(Proceedings of AISB-95), Ed. J. Hallam, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1995, pages
[ SAT, local search algorithms, random walk. ]
- Gent, Ian; Walsh, Toby. The
SAT Phase Transition. Proceedings of ECAI-94, ed. A G Cohn, John Wiley
& Sons, 105-109, 1994.
[ SAT, phase transition, random 3-sat. ]
- Gent, Ian; Walsh, Toby. Easy
Problems are Sometimes Hard. Artificial Intelligence, 70, 335-345, 1994.
[ SAT, phase transition, constant probability model. ]
- Gent, Ian; Walsh, Toby. The
Satisfiability Constraint Gap. Artificial Intelligence, 81 (1-2), 1996.
[ SAT, phase transition, random 3-sat. ]
- Gent, Ian; Walsh, Toby. Beyond
NP: the QSAT phase transition. Technical report, APES-05-1998, July
1998. To appear in Proceedings of AAAI-99.
[ QSAT, phase transition, empirical analysis. ]
- Gent, Ian; Walsh, Toby.
The Search for Satisfaction. Draft paper, 1999.
[ SAT, survey article. ]
- Giunchiglia, F.; Sebastiani, R. Building
decision procedures for modal logics from propositional decision procedures
- the case study of modal K. Proceedings of 13th International
Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-13), Lecture Notes on Artificial
Intelligence series. New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA, 1996.
[ SAT, modal logic, complete algorithms. ]
- Giunchiglia, F.; Sebastiani, R. A
SAT-based decision procedure for ALC. Proceedings of the 5th
International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning - KR'96, 1996.
[ SAT, modal logic, complete algorithms. ]
- Giunchiglia, F; Roveri, M.; Sebastiani, R. A
new method for testing decision procedures in modal and terminological
logics. 1996 International Workshop on Description Logics - DL'96.
Boston, MA, USA, 1996. Short version also published in Proceedings 14th
International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-14) with the title
"A new method for testing decision procedures in modal logics".
[ SAT, modal logic, complete algorithms. ]
- Guerra e Silva, Lu¨Ēs; Marques-Silva, João P.; Silveira, Lu¨Ēs M.;
Sakallah, Karem A. Timing
Analysis Using Propositional Satisfiability. Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS),
September 1998.
[ SAT, applications, hardware. ]
- Gu, J.; Purdom, P.W.; Franco, J.; Wah, B.W.
Algorithms for the Satisfiability (SAT) Problem: A Survey
. In: "Satisfiability Problem: Theory and Applications", DIMACS
Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, American
Mathematical Society, pp. 19-152, 1997.
[ SAT, survey article, algorithms. ]
- Guerra e Silva, Lu¨Ēs; Marques-Silva, João P.; Silveira, Lu¨Ēs M.;
Sakallah, Karem A. Realistic
Delay Modeling in Satisfiability-Based Timing Analysis, Proceedings of
the IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), May 1998.
[ SAT, applications, hardware. ]
- Hogg, T.; Huberman, B. A.; Williams, C. Phase
Transitions and the Search Problem. Tutorial paper, 1996.
[ SAT, search, phase transition. ]
- Hoos, Holger H. SAT-Encodings,
Search Space Structure, and Local Search Performance. In: Proc. of
IJCAI'99, pp. 296-302, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.
[SAT, local search, encodings, empirical analysis, search space
analysis. ]
- Hoos, Holger H. On
the Run-time Behaviour of Stochastic Local Search Algorithms for SAT.
In: Proc. of AAAI, pp. 661-666, MIT Press, 1999.
[SAT, local search, encodings, search behaviour, empirical analysis.
- Hoos, Holger H. Stochastic
Local Search - Methods, Models, Applications. PhD thesis, TU Darmstadt,
[ SAT, local search, random 3-sat, search behaviour, empirical
analysis, parallel algorithms, applications, planning, search space
analysis. ]
- Hoos, Holger H.; St¨štzle, Thomas. Towards
a Characterisation of the Behaviour of Stochastic Local Search Algorithms
for SAT.. Artificial Intelligence, 112, 213-232, 1999.
[ SAT, phase transition, constant probability model. ]
- Hoos, Holger H.; St¨štzle, Thomas Local
Search Algorithms for SAT: An Empirical Evaluation.. To appear in
Journal of Automated Reasoning, 2000.
[SAT, local search, search behaviour, empirical analysis.]
- Hoos, Holger H.; St¨štzle, Thomas SATLIB:
An Online Resource for Research on SAT.. In: SAT 2000, Ian Gent, Hans
van Maaren, and Toby Walsh, editors, IOS Press. 2000.
[SAT, benchmark libraries, research resources.]
- Hoos, Holger H. Solving
Hard Combinatorial Problems with GSAT - A Case Study.. In: Proceedings
of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI'96), pp. 197-212,
LNCS 1138, 1996.
[SAT, local search, graph colouring.]
- Jiang, Yueyun; Kautz, Henry; Selman, Bart. Solving
Problems with Hard and Soft Constraints Using A Stochastic Algorithm for
MAX-SAT". 1st International Joint Workshop on Artificial
Intelligence and Operations Research, 1995.
[ MAX-SAT, applications, steiner trees. ]
- Kautz, Henry; McAllester, David; Selman, Bart. Encoding
Plans in Propositional Logic. Proceedings KR-96, 1996.
[ SAT, applications, planning. ]
- Kautz, Henry; Selman, Bart. Planning
as Satisfiability. Proceedings ECAI-92, 1992.
[ SAT, applications, planning. ]
- Kautz, Henry; Selman, Bart. Pushing
the Envelope: Planning, Propositional Logic, and Stochastic Search.
Proceedings AAAI-96, 1996
[ SAT, applications, planning. ]
- Kautz, Henry; Selman, Bart. BLACKBOX:
A New Approach to the Application of Theorem Proving to Problem Solving.
Working notes of the Workshop on Planning as Combinatorial Search, held in
conjunction with AIPS-98, Pittsburgh, PA, 1998.
[ SAT, applications, planning. ]
- Kautz, Henry; Selman, Bart. The
Role of Domain-Specific Knowledge in the Planning as Satisfiability
Framework. Proceedings of AIPS-98, Pittsburgh, PA, 1998.
[ SAT, applications, planning. ]
- Kautz, Henry; Selman, Bart; Jiang, Yueyun. General
Stochastic Approach to Solving Problems with Hard and Soft Constraints".
In The Satisfiability Problem: Theory and Applications, Dingzhu Gu,
Jun Du, and Panos Pardalos (Eds.), DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 35, American Mathematical Society, 1997,
pages 573-586.
[ MAX-SAT, applications, steiner trees. ]
- Kim, S.; Zhang, H. ModGen:
Theorem proving by model generation. Proc. of National Conference of
American Association on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-94), Seattle, WA. MIT
Press, pp. 162-167.
[ SAT, First order logic, theorem proving, model generation. ]
- Kirousis, L. M.; Kranakis, E.; Krizanc. D. A
Better Upper Bound for the Unsatisfiability Threshold. Technical report
TR-96-09, School of Computer Science, Carleton University, 1996.
[ SAT, phase transition, random 3-sat. ]
- van Maaren, Hans. Highlights
of Satisfiability Research in the Year 2000 - Preface. In: SAT 2000 -
Highlights of Satisfiability Research in the Year 2000, Ian Gent, Hans van
Maaren, and Toby Walsh, editors, IOS Press. 2000.
[ SAT, survey article. ]
- Marques-Silva, João P. Search
Algorithms for Satisfiability Problems in Combinational Switching Circuits.
Ph.D. Dissertation, EECS Department, University of Michigan, May 1995.
[ SAT, applications, hardware. ]
- Marques-Silva, João P. An
Overview of Backtrack Search Satisfiability Algorithms. In: Fifth
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics, January
[ SAT, complete algorithms, Davis Putnam. ]
- Marques-Silva, João P.; Sakallah, Karem A. Conflict
Analysis in Search Algorithms for Propositional Satisfiability. In:
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial
Intelligence, November 1996.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, learning. ]
- Marques-Silva, João P.; Sakallah, Karem A. Robust
Search Algorithms for Test Pattern Generation. Proceedings of the IEEE
Fault-Tolerant Computing Symposium, June 1997.
[ SAT, applications, hardware. ]
- McAllester, D.; Selman, B.; Kautz, H. Evidence
for Invariants in Local Search. Proc. AAAI-97, Providence, RI, 1997.
[ SAT, local search algorithms, WalkSAT. ]
- Mitchell, David; Selman, Bart; Levesque, Hector. Hard
and Easy Distribution of SAT Problems. Proceedings AAAI-92, 1992.
[ SAT, phase transition, random 3-sat. ]
- Parkes, A.J.; Walser, J. Tuning
Local Search for Satisfiability Testing. Proceedings of the 13th
National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Portland, OR, 1996.
[ SAT, local search, WalkSAT, empirical analysis, random-3-sat. ]
- Rintanen, J. Improvements
to the evaluation of quantified Boolean formulae. Proceedings of the
16th International Joint Conference in Artificial Intelligence, Stockholm,
Sweden, August 1999.
[ QSAT, algorithms. ]
- Rodosek, R. A
New Approach on Solving 3-Satisfiability. In: Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Symbolic
Mathematical Computation, pp. 197-212, LNCS 1138, Steyr, 1996.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, complexity analysis. ]
- Selman, B.; Kautz, H. An
Empirical Study of Greedy Local Search for Satisfiability Testing. Proc.
[ SAT, local search algorithms, GSAT, clause weighting. ]
- Selman, B.; Kautz, H. Domain-Independent
Extensions to GSAT: Solving Large Structured Satisfiability Problems.
Proc. IJCAI-93.
[ SAT, local search algorithms, GSAT, random walk. ]
- Selman, B.; Kautz, H.; Cohen, B. Local
Search Strategies for Satisfiability Testing. Proceedings of 2nd DIMACS
Challenge on Cliques, Coloring and Satisfiability, 1994.
[ SAT, local search algorithms, WalkSAT. ]
- Selman, B.; Levesque, H.; Mitchell, D. GSAT
- A New Method for Solving Hard Satisfiability Problems. Proceedings
[ SAT, local search algorithms, GSAT. ]
- Singer, Josh; Gent, Ian; Smaill, Alan. Backbone
Fragility and the Local Search Cost Peak. Journal
of Artificial Intelligence Research, Vol. 12, pp. 235-270, 2000.
[ SAT, local search, search behaviour, search space analysis,
empirical analysis, phase transition, random 3-sat, WalkSAT. ]
- Slaney, J.; Fujita, M.; Stickel, M. Automated
reasoning and exhaustive search: quasigroup existence problems.
Computers and Mathematics with Applications 29, 115-132, 1995.
[ SAT, applications, quasigroup existence. ]
- Steinmann, Olaf; Strohmeier, Antje; St¨štzle, Thomas. Tabu
Search vs. Random Walk. KI-97: Advances in Artificial Intelligence,
Springer Verlag, LNCS, Vol. 1303, 1997
[ SAT, local search, tabu search, random walk, constraint
satisfaction. ]
- Uribe, T.E.; Stickel, M.E. Ordered
binary decision diagrams and the Davis-Putnam procedure. Proceedings of
the First International Conference on Constraints in Computational Logics,
Munich, Germany, September 1994, 34-49.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, Davis Putnam, OBDDs. ]
- Walser, Joachim. Solving
Linear Pseudo-Boolean Constraint Problems with Local Search. Proceedings
of the 14th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-97,
Providence, RI, 1997.
[ SAT, local search, WalkSAT, constraint programming, 0-1 problems. ]
- Zhang, H. SATO:
An Efficient Propositional Prover. Proc. of International Conference on
Automated Deduction (CADE-97), 1997.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, Davis Putnam. ]
- Zhang, Hantao. Specifying
Latin Square Problems in Propositional Logics.
[ SAT, applications, quasigroup existence. ]
- Zhang, H.; Bonacina, Maria Paola. Cumulating
Search in a Distributed Computing Environment: A Case Study in Parallel
Satisfiability.. In: Proceedings of First Int. Symp. on Parallel
Symbolic Computation, 1994.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, parallel algorithms. ]
- Zhang, Hantao; Bonacina, Maria Paola; Hsiang, Jieh. PSATO:
A Distributed Propositional Prover and Its Application to Quasigroup
Problems. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 11, 1-18, 1996.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, parallel algorithms. ]
- Zhang, Hantao; Hsiang, Jieh. Solving
Open Quasigroup Problems by Propositional Reasoning.
[ SAT, applications, quasigroup existence. ]
- Zhang, H.; Stickel, M. Implementing
Davis-Putnam's method by tries. Technical Report, The University of
Iowa, 1994.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, Davis Putnam. ]
- Zhang, H.; Stickel, M. An
efficient algorithm for unit-propagation. In: Proc. of the Fourth
International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics. Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida, 1996.
[ SAT, complete algorithms, Davis Putnam. ]