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Democratic Capitalism at the Crossroads


Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2019.


Table of Contents


1. Introduction

2. Manchester

3. Detroit

4. Silicon Valley

5. Dire Straits

6. Robots vs. Democracy?


Order @ Princeton University Press













Political Order and Inequality. Their Foundations and their Consequences for Human Welfare.


New York: Cambridge University Press. 2015.


Table of Contents


1. Tabula rasa

2. Political order

3. Technological progress

4. Warfare

5. Inequality

6. Modern breakthrough

7. Conclusions.


Order @ Cambridge University Press



Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics.


Co-editor with Susan Stokes. New York: Oxford University Press. 2007.

Table of Contents











Democracy and Redistribution.


New York: Cambridge University Press. 2003.

Winner of the 2004 American Political Science Association William Riker Award for Best Book on Political Economy. 

Winner of the 2004 Society for Comparative Research Mattei Dogan Award for Best Book in Comparative Research.

o   Table of Contents

o   Excerpt of the Book 

o   How I Chose the Cover





L'obertura catalana.


Barcelona: Idees Assaig Breu. 2002.

Winner of the "I Premi Revista Idees d'Assaig Breu, 2002"

Table of Contents









Partits polítics i sistemes electorals.


Barcelona: Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. 2000.

Electronic manuscript for one-semester course in Catalonia’s virtual university

Table of Contents

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Political Parties, Growth, and Equality. Conservative and Social Democratic Strategies in the World Economy.


New York: Cambridge University Press. 1998.

Winner of the 1999 American Political Science Association William Riker Award for Best Book on Political Economy. 

Table of Contents








Partidos políticos, crecimiento e igualdad. Estrategias económicas conservadoras y socialdemócratas en democracias avanzadas.


Madrid: Alianza Editorial. 1996.

Winner of the 2000 Spanish Political Science Association Best Book Award in Political Science for best book published in 1994-98.

Table of Contents






Per què la democràcia funcioni. La importància del capital social.


Edition and translation to Catalan of Robert Putnam's Making Democracy Work. Barcelona: Proa.  2000.