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o   AI and the Economic and Informational Foundations of Democracy. In Oxford Handbook of AI Governance, edited by Justin B. Bullock et al. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197579329.013.64


o   The Varying Fortunes of Democratic Capitalism. In Sid Milkis and Scott Miller, ed. Can Democracy and Capitalism Be Reconciled? Oxford University Press. Forthcoming.


o   Social Democracy and the Birth of Working-Class Representation in Europe. Word Politics (July). Forthcoming. Jointly with Maayan Mor.




o   Nationalism. In Jeffery A. Jenkins and Jared Rubin, eds. Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780197618608.013.28


o   Estimating the value of democracy relative to other institutional and economic outcomes among citizens in Brazil, France, and the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, PNAS 2023-06168R, November 20, 2023. Jointly with Alícia Adserà and Andreu Arenas.




o   The Rise of Swedish Social Democracy. British Journal of Political Science. April, pages 1-16. Jointly with Zsuzsana Magyar.




o   The Formation and Development of Liberal Democracies. Oxford Handbook of Political Representation in Liberal Democracies. New York: Oxford University Press. Jointly with Will Horne and Alex Kerchner.


o   Electoral Realignments across the Atlantic. In Who Gets What? The New Politics of Insecurity (edited by Frances Rosenbluth and Margaret Weir). New York: Cambridge University Press. Chapter 9, pp. 213-236.


o   From Political Mobilization to Electoral Participation: Turnout in Barcelona in the 1930s. Jointly with Francesc Amat, Jordi Muñoz and Toni Rodon. Journal of Politics.


o   Endogenous Parliaments: The Domestic and International Roots of Long-Term Economic Growth and Executive Constraints in Europe. Jointly with Scott Abramson. International Organization. 73(4): 793-837.


o   Bones of Contention: The Political Economy of Height Inequality. American Political Science Review 108 (February): 1-21. Jointly with Frances Rosenbluth. (Online link to APSR volume.)


o   The Foundations of Limited Authoritarian Government. Institutions and Power-Sharing in Dictatorships. Journal of Politics 75 (April): 300-316. Jointly with Milan Svolik.

o   A Complete Dataset of Political Regimes, 1800-2007. Comparative Political Studies. Jointly with Michael K. Miller and Sebastian Rosato.


o   Democracy, Development and the International System. American Political Science Review 105 (November): 809-828. (Copyright holder: Cambridge University Press.) (Online link to APSR volume.)

o   Redistribution Policies in a Globalized World. In Marion Jansen & Marc Bachetta, ed. Making Globalization Socially Sustainable. Geneva: WTO-ILO. Forthcoming. Chapter 8.

o   War, Wealth and the Formation of States. Jointly with Bruno Codenotti and Giovanni Resta. In Norman Schofield, ed. Political Economy and Institutions, Springer-Verlag.


o   Electoral Markets, Party Strategies and Proportional Representation. American Political Science Review. May.

o   Origins and Persistence of Inequality. Annual Review of Political Science 13: 489-516.

o   The Conditional Relationship between Inequality and Development. PS: Political Science and Politics 42(4): 645-649.


o   The Nature of Federal Bargains: A Comment on Rodden's “Federalism and Inter-Regional Redistribution”. In Albert Solé-Ollé, Núria Bosch, Marta Espasa, eds., Regional Fiscal Flows and the Stability of Federations. London: Edward Elgard..


o   Economic Roots of Civil Wars and Revolutions in the Contemporary World. World Politics 60 (April): 390-437.

o   Civil Wars and Guerrilla Warfare in the Contemporary World. Toward a Joint Theory of Motivations and Opportunities. In Stathis Kalyvas, Ian Shapiro and Tarek Masoud, ed., Order, Conflict and Violence. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 8, pages 197-218.

o   Constitutions and Democratic Breakdowns. José M. Maravall and Ignacio S. Cuenca, eds. Controlling Governments. Cambridge University Press. Chapter 8, pages 247-301. Jointly with Alicia Adsera.


o   Emergence of Parties and Party Systems. Carles Boix and Susan Stokes, ed. Oxford Handbook of Comparative Politics.


o   Between Protectionism and Compensation: The Political Economy of Trade. In Pranab Bardhan, Samuel Bowles and Michael Wallerstein, eds. Globalization and Egalitarian Redistribution.  Princeton University and Russell Sage Foundation.

o   Political Institutions and Fiscal Policy. The Political Economist. Winter.

o   The Roots of Democracy. Policy Review. March


o   Endogenous Democratization. World Politics 55 (July): 517-49. Jointly with Susan Stokes. (Chinese version published in: Open Times, 2008, no. 194: 130-151.)








  • 1993. "Hacia una administración pública eficaz: modelo institucional y cultura profesional en la prestación de servicios públicos," Gestión y análisis de políticas públicas, 1.

o   1993/94. “Modelos político-institucionales de política económica,” in Hacienda Pública Española, vol. 126-127.

o   1993. “Crecimiento económico y modernización institucional del Sector Público,” Ekonomiaz. Revista de Economía 26: 16-43. With Miguel A. Lasheras and Jesús Ruiz-Huerta.


  • Partisan Voting in the Spanish 1986 NATO Referendum: An Ecological Analysis. Electoral Studies 10: 18-32. With James E. Alt.