BodyHype holds two auditions per year, one in the fall and one in the spring. Check back for exact dates, and expect notifications from the “Body Body!!” Facebook Group as the Fall Auditions approach. Auditions are open to any Princeton student, members of all classes welcome! 

WHO: All are encouraged to audition, regardless of previous dance experience. We look for dancers who show not only that they are proficient and dynamic, but that they can entertain a crowd and let the audience know that they are having fun and are comfortable on stage.


WHAT: Every audition starts with a group warm-up, including stretching and calisthenics. The first round of auditions consists of three major sections: across the floor, improv, and a combination. The across the floor section involves performing a small pre-taught sequence of kicks and turns from one side of the dance floor to the other. This gives us a chance to see some of your technical ability. During improv, you get to show off, one at a time! We want to see your personal dance style, so you can do anything you’d like. During the combination portion, you choose to learn either a jazz/lyrical or hip hop sequence, which we teach thoroughly for about 30 minutes. Then, everyone performs the combination they have learned in groups of four.

WHERE: Dillon Gym

WHEN: Wednesday 9.16.2009 from 1-4 pm

HOW: Auditions are held in a light-hearted manner, particularly during the later sections when we tend to have people shouting and clapping along. Athletic clothing is recommended; shoes optional. We have a great time at auditions, and we love to see you having a great time too! 

The audition is informal and fun, and BodyHype members are dancing with you along the way. Come ready to enjoy yourself and learn something new!






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