


The Sventh Short Course on Structural Health Monitoring

using Fiber Optic Sensors 2017

Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, EQuad, (Tentative) Rooms E225 and E219, March 24, 2017, 10:30AM-6:00PM

A one-day course for civil engineers, researchers, practitioners, infrastructure managers, and owners

Download tentative brochure here



Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a process aimed at providing accurate and in-time information concerning structural health condition and performance. The information obtained from monitoring is generally used to increase the safety, plan and design maintenance activities, verify hypotheses, reduce uncertainty, and to widen the knowledge concerning the structure being monitored. Recent developments in fiber optic sensing (FOS) technologies made possible global structural monitoring using long-gauge sensors and integrity monitoring using truly distributed sensors. These sensors combined in appropriate topologies and networks can provide for assessment of wide range of parameters relevant for structural behavior. The aim of this course is to transfer the knowledge on SHM and FOS. Targeted groups are those who can take benefits from SHM: civil engineers, practitioners, consultants, contractors, infrastructure managers, and owners. Researchers and students are welcome too. Covered topics include brief introduction to the SHM, overview of available FOS technologies, and SHM methods based on FOS technologies. The topics are illustrated through numerous examples taken from practice, and a site visit to Streicker Bridge is included.

More about lecturer can be found at his homepage



FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 2017

10:30-11:00 Welcome - registration, distribution of material, coffee, refreshments (30 min.)

11:00-11:35 Introduction to Structural Health Monitoring - motivation, aims, benefits, SHM process (35 min.)

11:35-12:20 Overview of Fiber Optic Sensing technologies - Monitoring systems, discrete FOS, distributed FOS (45 min.)

12:20-12:45 Monitoring projects – examples from practice (25 min)

• New I35W Minneapolis Bridge, USA (courtesy of Roctest Inc.)

• Halifax Metro Centre, Canada (courtesy of Roctest Inc.)

12:45-1:30 Box lunch (45 min.)

1:30-2:10 Sensors types and interpretation of measurement - Strain analysis; dependence of measurement on gauge-length (40 min.)

2:10-2:50 Sensor topologies and global structural monitoring - Simple, parallel, crossed, and triangular topology, integrity monitoring (45 min.)

2:50-3:30 Global structural monitoring – data analysis examples from practice (40 min.)

• High-rise building Punggol EC26 (courtesy of Roctest Inc.) and Pinnacle@Duxton (courtesy of HDB), Singapore

• Semiconductor facility piles testing, Taiwan (courtesy of Roctest Inc.)

Streicker Bridge, Princeton, USA and NJ23/US202 overpass, Wayne, NJ, USA

3:30-3:45 Coffee break, refreshments (15 min.)

3:45-4:45 Visit to Streicker Bridge at Princeton campus - walking distance (60 min.)

4:45-5:20 Integrity monitoring – examples from practice (35 min.)

Concrete pipeline full scale testing, USA

• Fatigue cracking monitoring of Gota Bridge, Sweden (courtesy of Roctest Inc.)

Streicker Bridge, Princeton, USA

5:20-5:40 Importance of data visualization (20 min.)

The Learning Bridge project, Tacony-Palmyra Bridge, NJ (courtesy of Drexel University)

• Streicker Bridge Project (with IBM, courtesy of IBM)

5:40-5:55 Sensing sheets based on large-area electronics and integrated circuits

5:55-6:00 Survey and closing remarks (5 min.)

6:00-8:00 Cocktail



Registration is obligatory in order to prepare material, receipts, certificates, lunch and refreshments

Registration fee before or on March 10, 2017: US$ 250

Registration fee after March 10, 2017: US$ 300

10% discount on registration fees for ISHMII members

Become an ISHMII member at

No on-line registration; Make check payable to “Princeton University” and bring it to the course; cash is accepted

Registration includes: course notes, USB memory stick, receipt, certificate of attendance, lunch and refreshments

Please fill the registration form and mail it or e-mail it to the following contact address:

Branko Glisic, Princeton University E330 EQuad, Princeton NJ, 08544, Phone: 1-609-258-8278, Fax: 1-609-258-2760, e-mail:



Attendees are responsible for their own transportation and accommodation

Venue: Princeton University, EQuad, Rooms E225 (lectures) and E219 (registration and breaks)

Driving directions: From Route One take Washington Road, then see map below

Parking: Parking Lot 21 + walk (see map below) or shuttle East Line towards Friend Center OR park-metered space in Olden Street, in front of EQuad (change needed)

Hotels: any hotel in Princeton area OR contact CEE Dpt. Assistant Jillian Hoffman at





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