Richard Jeffrey, Curriculum Vitae
Teenage logical positivism led me to Chicago for an MA with Carnap and, years later, to Princeton for a PhD with Hempel. My view of probability ("radical probabilism" in Probability and the Art of Judgment, 1992) grew out of that. So did a collaboration with Carnap; see Studies in Inductive Logic and Probability (1971, 1980). The Logic of Decision (1965, 1983; 1990) was the product of my long labor (1960-4), and Bolker's and Gödel's merciful midwifery (1964). Formal Logic: Its Scope and Limits (1967, 1981, 1991) was inspired when Raymond Smullyan cleared up Evert Beth's "tableau" method for me, on the street in New York, one day. The logic half of Computability and Logic (1974, 1980, 1989; by the 3rd ed. it was two thirds) came into being when George Boolos joined in. When George died in 1996 I edited his collected papers (Logic, Logic, and Logic, 1999), with lots of help from his other friends---notably, John Burgess. When Hempel died in 1997 I edited his Selected Philosophical Essays (2000). I miss them keenly.
1 "Valuation and Acceptance of Scientific Hypotheses", Philosophy of Science 23 (l956) 237-246
2 "On indeterminate conditionals". Philosophical Studies 14 (1963) 33-48
3 Review of Putnam,"What theories could not be", Journal of Philosophy 59 (1964)79-88
4 "New Foundations for Bayesian decision theory" Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science (Y. Bar-Hillel, ed.), North Holland, l965, pp. 289-300
5 The Logic of Decision, McGraw Hill, l965
6 "Goodman's Query", Journal of Philosophy 63 (l966) 281-8
7 Formal Logic: Its Scope and Limits, McGraw Hill, l967
8 "The Whole Truth", Synthese 18 (l968) 24-27
9 "Probable Knowledge" in Lakatos., ed., The Problem of Inductive Logic, North Holland, l968, pp. l66-l80, 189-190
10 "Statistical Explanation vs. Statistical Inference" N. Rescher, ed., Essays in Honor of Carl G. Hempel, Reidel (1969) 104-113
11 "Dracula meets Wolf Man: Acceptance vs. partial belief". Swain (ed.). Induction, Acceptance, and Partial Belief, Reidel, 1970, 157-185
12 Homage to Rudolf Carnap, Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol VIII (Buck & Cohen, eds.), Reidel, 1971, pp. xix-xxii
13 "Remarks on explanatory Power". ibid., pp. 40-46
14 Edited, with Carnap: Studies in Inductive Logic and Probability, I. University of California Press, 1971
15 "On Interpersonal Utility Theory", Journal of Philosophy 68(l97l)647-657
16 "Probability Measures & Integrals" in 14, 167-223
17 With G. Boolos: Computability and Logic, Cambridge (1974)
18 "Preference Among Preferences", Journal of Philosophy 71 (l974) 377-39l
19 "Frameworks for Preference", M. Balch, D. McFadden and S. Y. Wu, eds., Essays on Economic Behavior Under Uncertainty, North-Holland, l974, pp. 74-79
20 "Remarks on interpersonal utility theory", S. Stenlund (ed.), Logical Theory and Semantic Analysis, 35-44, Reidel, l974
21 "Probability and Falsification: Critique of the Popper Program", Synthese 30 (l975) 95-ll7 and l49-l57
22 "Carnap's empiricism", Induction, Probability and Confirmation (Maxwell and Anderson, eds., Minnesota, l975, pp.37-49.
23 "Carnap's inductive logic", Rudolf Carnap, Logical Empiricist, Reidel, 1977, pp. 325-332.
24 "Mises Redux", Basic Problems in Methodology and Linguistics, R. Butts and J. Hintikka (eds.): Reidel. 1977, pp. 213-222
25 "A Note on the Kinematics of Preference", Erkenntnis 11(l977)135-141
26 "Savage's Omelet", PSA l976, Vol. 2 (Proceedings of the l976 Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association). The Philosophy of Science Association, East Lansing, Michigan, 1977, pp.36l-367
27 "Axiomatizing the Logic of Decision", in C.A. Hooker, J.T. Leach, and E.F. McClellen (eds.), Foundations and Applicatins of Decision Theory, Vol. l, 227-23l,Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, l978
28 "Coming True", in Cora Diamond and Jenny Teichman, eds., Intention and Intentionality, pp. 251-260, Harvester, 1979
29 "How is it reasonable to base preferences on estimates of chance?" Science, Belief, and Behaviour, D.H. Mellor, ed., Cambridge, 1980, pp. l79-l87
30 Edited: Studies in Inductive Logic and Probability, II. University of California Press, 1980
31 With G. Boolos: Computability and Logic, 2nd ed., Cambridge, 1980
32 "Choice, chance, and credence," Contemporary Philosophy, A New Survey: Philosophy of Logic, ed. G.H. von Wright and G. Fløistad, pp. 367-386, Martinus Nijhoff, l98l
33 Formal Logic: Its Scope and Limits, McGraw Hill, 2nd ed., 1981
34 "The Logic of Decision Defended:", Synthese 48 (1981) 473-492
35 The Logic of Decision, 2nd ed., University of Chicago Press, 1983
36 "Bayesianism with a Human Face," in Testing Scientific Theories (Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. l0), ed. John Earman, Minnesota, l983
37 "The Sure Thing Principle," PSA l982, Vol. 2, pp. 7l9-730, Philosophy of Science Assn., E. Lansing, Michigan, l983
38 "De Finetti's Probabilism," Synthese 60 (l984) 73-90
39 "The impossibility of inductive probability" (reply to Popper and Miller), Nature 310 (1984) 433
40 "An assessment of the subjectivistic approach to probability," Epistemologia 7 (l984) 9-32 (special issue on Probability, Statistics and Inductive Logic)
41 "Probability and the art of judgment," Observation and Experiment in Modern Science, ed. Peter Achinstein and Mark Hannaway, MIT-Bradford (l985)133-156
42 "Animal interpretation," Action and Events, ed. Ernest Lepore and Brian McLaughlin, Basil Blackwell (l985)481-487
43 "Judgmental probability and objective chance," Erkenntnis 24 (1986) 5-16
44 "Probabilism and induction", Topoi 5 (1986) 51-58
45 "Alias Smith and Jones: the Testimony of the senses", Erkenntnis 26 (1987) 391-399
46 "Risk and Human Rationality", Monist 70 (1987) 223-36
47 "Indefinite Probability Judgment", Philosophy of Science 54 (1987) 586-591
48 "Conditioning, kinematics and exchangeability", Brian Skyrms and William Harper (eds.), Causation, Chance and Credence, vol. I, pp. 221-255: Reidel, 1988
49 "How to probabilize a Newcomb problem" in James H. Fetzer (ed.) Probability and Causality, Reidel (1988) 241-251
50 "Roulette Russa: un problema per i Bayesiani". Epistemologia ed Economia, M.C. Galavotti and G. Gambetta (ed.): CLUEB, Bologna, 1988, 15-20
51 "Biting the Bayesian bullet: Zeckhauser's problem". Theory and Decision 25(1988)117-122
52 With G. Boolos: Computability and Logic, Cambridg, 3rd ed., 1989
53 Edited, with M.C. Galavotti: Bruno de Finetti's Philosophy of Probability, double issue of Erkenntnis 31 (1989) 165-416
54 "Probabilism", a translation (with M.C. DiMaio and M.C. Galavotti) of Bruno de Finetti's Probabilismo, in 53, 169-223
55 "Reading Probabilismo": Erkenntnis 30 (1989) 225-237
56 With Michael Hendrickson: "Probabilizing pathology", Proc. Aristotelian Soc. 89 (1988/89) 211-225
57 The Logic of Decision, paperback correction of 2nd ed. Chicago, 1990
58 Formal Logic: Its Scope and Limits, 3rd ed. McGraw Hill, 1990
59 "Frank Ramsey", TLS, 17 May 1991
60 "After Carnap", Erkenntnis (1991). Translated: "Dopo Carnap" in L'eredità di Rudolf Carnap, Alberto Pasquinelli (ed.), Bologna (1995)
61 Probability and the Art of Judgment (selected essays), Cambridge, 1992
62 "Take back the day! Jon Dorling's Bayesian solution to the Duhem problem", Science and Knowledge, ed. Enrique Villanueva, Ridgeview (1993) 197-207
63 "From logical empiricism to radical probabilism", Scientific Philosophy: Origins and Developments, ed. F. Stadtler, Kluwer (1993) 121-130; corrected in (1992) ch. 1.
64 "Probability dynamics and causality", PSA 92, vol. 2, ed. Asquith & al., Philosophy of Science Assn. (1993)
65 "Causality in the logic of decision," Philosophical Topics 21 (1993) 139-151
66 (With Robert Stalnaker) "Conditionals as random variables," pp. 31-46 of Probability and Conditionals, Ellery Eells and Brian Skyrms (eds.): Cambridge, 1994
67 "Carnap's voluntarism." pp. 847-866 of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IX, D. Prawiz, B. Skyrms and D. Westerståhl (eds.): Elsevier, 1994
68 "Probability reparation: the problem of new explanation," Philosophical Studies 77 (1995) 97-101
69 Translation of A. N. Kolmogorov's "Complete metric boolean algebras," Philosophical Studies 77 (1995) 57-66
70 "A Brief Guide to the Work of Carl Gustav Hempel", Erkenntnis 42 (1995) 3-7
71 "Bayes's Theorem", "Computability", Decision Theory", and "Ramsey", Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy, Cambridge, 1995
72 "Logicism 2000", Benacerraf and his Critics, Stephen Stich and Adam Morton (eds.), Blackwell (1996) 160-164
73 "Decision kinematics", Kenneth J. Arrow et al. (eds.), Rational Foundations of Economic Behaviour, St. Martin's (1996) 3-19
74 "Unknown Probabilities", Erkenntnis 41 (1996) 1-9
75 Edited, with Cristina Bicchieri and Brian Skyrms: The Dynamics of Norms, Cambridge, 1997
76 "Probabilistic Epistemology", Conceptual Tools for Understanding Nature, G. Costa, G. Calucci and M. Giorgi (eds.), World Scientific (1997), pp. 127&endash;134
77 Edited , with John Burgess: Logic, Logic, and Logic, by George Boolos, Harvard, 1998
78 "Agreeing to disagree: Harsanyi and Aumann" in Game Theory, Experience, Rationality, Werner Leinfellner (ed.), Kluwer, 1998.
79 With Matthias Hild and Mathias Risse: "Preference Aggregation after Harsanyi", Justice, Political Liberalism, and Utilitarianism, Maurice Salles and John A. Weymark (eds.), Cambridge 2004.
80 Edited, with Cristina Bicchieri and Brian Skyrms: The Logic of Strategy, Oxford, 1999
81 With Matthias Hild and Mathias Risse: "Aumann's 'No Agreement' Theorem Generalized", in 80 above.
82 Edited: Selected Philosophical Essays, by C. G. Hempel, Cambridge, 2000
83 Petrus Hispanus Lectures: I. "After Logical Empiricism" II. "Radical Probabilism" Actas da Sociedade Portuguesa da Filosofia 2002.
84 "Epistemology Probabilized", in B. Bouchon-Meunier, J. Guitterez-Rios, L. Magdalena and R.R. Yaeger (eds.), Technologies for Constructing Intelligent Sysytems, Springer (2002)
85 "Logicism Lite", Philosophy of
Science 69 (2002) 447-451.