Spring and
Summer, 1996

During the spring of 1996, four Princeton students continued work on the project: Marcus Hurley '97, Winnie Kwan '97, Erik Lin '98, and Jamie Dunlop '98. Pro/ENGINEER was used for modeling rather than AutoCAD, allowing for more flexibility in modeling. Marcus worked on a new, more detailed model of the Hagia Sophia, Winnie worked with the Kariye Camii (Christ in Chora), Erik began modeling the topography of the city, and Jamie worked on the land and sea walls that surrounded Constantinople.

While some of these projects had been done previously with AutoCAD, the Pro/ENGINEER software allowed for more complex models and took full advantage of the Silicon Graphics Impact machines that were available for the project. In addition, because of the parametric nature of the new modeling software, the models are much more flexible and easier to change should more detail be required in the future.

Jamie and Marcus remained at Princeton for the summer to continue work on the project. The Hagia Sophia was completely finished, as were the majority of the city walls. In addition, Jamie took over Erik's job of the topography and created a new landscape within Pro/ENGINEER for use in assembling the city. Some work was spent attempting to transfer AutoCAD models to Pro/ENGINEER, and while a successful system was develped, it may be necessary in the future to recreate older models within the new software package. By far, the highlight of the summer was a trip to Turkey in mid-August. There, hosted by Professor Erdik from the University of Bogazici, Marcus and Jamie took photographs of the Hagia Sophia and the city walls, which will be used in the future for texture mapping the new models.

Information on the Pro/ENGINEER models of the Hagia Sophia, Kariye Camii, and the city walls is available at this site.

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