CLG 307: Homer's Odyssey
Reviews of Recent Books on the Odyssey
The Following links will take you to substantive reviews of recent books on the Odyssey from the Bryn Mawr Classical Review. They are listed by Author(s) of book. Reviewers are sometimes listed parenthetically at the end
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Ahl/Roisman, The Odyssey Re-Formed (recensio prima) Ahl/Roisman, The Odyssey Re-Formed (recensio secunda) Cook, The Odyssey in Athens (A. Ford) Lawrence, T.E.(trans.), The Odyssey of Homer: (William C. Scott) Segal, Singers, Heroes, and Gods in the Odyssey Cohen, ed., The Distaff Side Rutherford, R.B. Homer: Odyssey XIX and XX, Cambridge, CUP, Katz, M.A., Penelope's Renown: (S. Douglas Olson) Kahane, Interpretation of Order Katz, M.A., Penelope's Renown: (Charles Rowan Beye) Russo et all, Comm. on Odyssey 17-24 Foley, J.M., Traditional Oral Epic: (William C. Scott) Doherty, Siren Songs Lowenstam, Scepter and Spear Peradotto, J., Man in the Middle Voice: (Sheila Murnaghan) Peradotto, J., Man in the Middle Voice: (S. Douglas Olson) Latacz, Homer, His At and His World McDonald, Christianizing Homer On epic: Quint and Wofford Olson, Blood and Iron Andrew Ford. Homer: The Poetry of the Past. Ithaca: Reece, Steve : The Stranger's Welcome: Oral Theory and the Aesthetics of Murray, O. (ed.), Sympotica: (Richard Hamilton) Powell, B.B., Homer and the Origin of the Greek Alphabet: (Mabel L. Lang) Pratt, Lying and Poetry de Jong/Sullivan, Modern Critical Theory Seaford, Reciprocity and Ritual Robert Lamberton and John J. Keaney (edd.). Homer's Ancient Readers Essays on Homeric Epic ALSO SEEN: Beye, Ancient Epic Poetry Yarnall, Transformations of Circe Andersen/Dickie, edd., Homer's World Parks, Ward, Verbal Dueling in Heroic Narrative (William C. Scott) Rose, Peter W., Sons of the Gods, Children of Earth: J.B. Hainsworth. The Idea of Epic. Oberhelman ed., Epic and Epoch Dee, Epithetic Phrases for the Homeric Gods Foley, J.M., Immanent Art: From Structure to Meaning in Traditional Oral Epic (R. Hamilton) Kahane, Interpretation of Order (II)