Professor of the Council of the Humanities and Visual Arts

Campus Address: Photography Lab (A05), 185 Nassau Street

Campus Phone: (609) 258-5459

Office Hours: W & Th, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 noon


Born in Danville, Virginia in 1941, Emmet Gowin is Professor of Photography in the Council of the Humanities, Princeton University, and has been teaching in the Visual Arts Program since 1973. In 1990, a retrospective of his work, Emmet Gowin/Photographs: This Vegetable Earth Is But A Shadow, was published by the Philadelphia Museum of Art. A recipient of a Guggenheim (1974) and two NEA Fellowships (1977 and 1979), he has also received awards from the Southeastern Center for Contemporary Art (1983), the Seattle Arts Commission (1980), the 1983 Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts from the State of Pennsylvania, the 1992 Friends of Photography Peer Award, and a Pew Fellowship in the Arts for 1993-94. He received the President's Award for Distinguished Teaching at Princeton University in 1997. His work is represented by Pace Wildenstein MacGill Gallery in New York. His most recent publication is Changing the Earth, with Jock Reynolds, Terry Tempest Williams, and Phillip Brookman, published by Yale University Press (2002).
Photograph by Charlie Lyons


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