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In this lab we will be programming a GAL, which encapsulates the ADL into a single chip.
- Fill out the GAL work sheet
to represent your ADL design. Place a diagonal line accross junctions
where fuse is out and place a circle around junctions where fuse
- / represents fuse out, ○ represents a fuse in
- The plan is to have the GAL replace ALL of the discrete logic
associated with your computer including ADDRESS DECODE LOGIC, the double
inverter for PHI2, the inverter for the power-up reset circuit, and the
inverter for A13 (if used). NOTE: While previously you used PHI2*
for your ADDRESS DECODE LOGIC, you should now use PHI2 as buffered
internally through the GAL. Do not loop PHI2* back into the
GAL. You will still need to provide a PHI2* output from the GAL
for use by the VIA. If you do not understand these last two statements,
ask your lab instructor.
- Show your worksheet to a lab instructor when finished
- The next step is to create the *.jed file that allows you to burn a
GAL. This is done by modifying the file emp21.jed so that it reflects
the logic you designed in your worksheet. In this case, the / and 0 from
the worksheet should correspond to 1s and 0s in your new *.jed file.
- Before programming the GAL, follow the directions for Creating a GAL16V8 JEDEC file for the EMP-21 under the lab handouts tab. A copy of emp21.jed should be taken from your computer and not the link. It's there only as an example.
- Running the program 'paltogal.exe' adds additional characters to
the end of your .jed file. This is done because GALs have much more
functionality than the older PALs and the programmer requires additional
- NOTE: the file emp21.jed exists in the EMP21 GAL files subfolder
of the MAE412 directory. Save your file with the name gal.jed in the
same folder. Make sure that There are no lines after 2016. If there are,
then you have the EMP20 file.
NOTE: show a copy of your gal.jed to your AI's BEFORE you run GALTOPAL.exe. The TA will check your file before you burn it.
- Burn both GALs. If it is wrong,
it's electronically erasable. If it's right, it will save you lots of
time when you need a gal for the vector board computer.
- After you have successfully programmed the GAL, wire it up to the
switches and lights so that you can test it. Inform a lab instructor
that you are ready to test your GAL chip and they will help you -- this
is VERY IMPORTANT. Our experience over the
years is that more often than not the GAL contains errors. Sometimes a
GAL with errors will appear to work even though the ADDRESS DECODE LOGIC
rules are not followed. Such a computer may work intermittently -- this
can be a major problem later. Print and save a copy of the .JED file.
The GAL worksheet, .JED file, pinout, and functional diagram must be
included in your final report.
- Test the GAL by replacing all of your logic and running the VIA
test program. If the computer does not function properly, go back and
redo the MPU, RAM and IRQ tests in order. This should help you localise
the problem.