12-Step Reduced Mechanism for Methane Oxidation

From this site you may download the Fortran code for the CHEMKIN subroutine CKWYP, the fort.15 file, and a list of steps in the reduced mechanism using the links below.

Subroutine ckwyp.f
fort.15 file
Reduced model

Interested parties should contact GRI for a copy of GRI-Mech and the associated thermodynamic and transport data.

Based on the work

An Augmented Reduced Mechanism for Methane Oxidation with Comprehensive Global Parametric Validation

C. J. Sung and C. K. Law

Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey 08544-5263

J.-Y. Chen

Department of Mechanical Engineering
University of California
Berkeley, California 94720


Using a computer algorithm for automatic generation of reduced chemistry, an augmented reduced mechanism, consisting of 16 species and 12 lumped reaction steps, has been developed for methane oxidation from GRI-Mech 1.2. Since the present mechanism consists of a larger number of non-steady-state intermediates than the conventional four- or five-step reduced mechanisms, it exhibits good to excellent performance in predicting a wide range of combustion phenomena under extensive thermodynamical parametric variations. Specifically, the phenomena tested include perfectly-stirred reactor responses, auto-/shock tube ignition delay times, laminar flame propagation speeds, and ignition-extinction limits of counterflowing systems, while the thermodynamical parametric variations include those of temperature, pressure, and composition. It is recognized that, with the anticipated increase in computing capability in the foreseeable future, use of the present four- to five-step mechanisms will be unnecessarily limiting. Consequently, it is suggested that efforts should be expended towards development of augmented reduced mechanisms for more comprehensive description of combustion phenomena and for their potential implementation in the computational simulation of complex flows and systems.

Twenty-Seventh Symposium (International) on Combustion, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, PA, pp. 295-304 (1998).